Pray for open eyes

“Lord open his eyes.”

The prophet Elisha spoke these words regarding a man with normal eyesight. He could see everything there was to see with human eyes. But, obviously, there was something important that his servant was missing. If you and your children believe that all of what is important is what you can see with your eyes then you will both be severely hampered in life.

How much time do you spend talking with your kids about the importance of what they cannot see? What is unseen is of far more importance than what we can actually see. Do your children know that you believe that? Parent, it is your job to help your children understand that what is unseen is what gives life meaning and purpose.

You may not have Elisha around to ask God to open the unseen to you and your children. But what you do have is the Holy Spirit’s written word that tells you of the certainty of the unseen. This is important when you feel outnumbered or overwhelmed.

The enemies of God and his word make a lot noise in our culture. They appear that they have the upper hand. Elisha’s servant had similar concerns about the size of the Aramean army that surrounded them. Elisha calmly told him:

“Don’t be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

Faith is believing that the chariots of fire did not disappear when the servants eye sight returned to normal earthly vision. The chariots remain to this day, unseen, but prepared to do their Lord’s bidding.

Tell your children.


Shepherd Press