Help! My Teen Is Depressed

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Help! My Teen Is Depressed

Help! My Teen Is Depressed
Help! My Teen Is Depressed

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Help! My Teen Is Depressed

Model Number: LL42
Author: Christine Chappell
Booklet, 64 pages
ISBN 9781633422049

If your teen is battling depression, you may be feeling helpless and hopeless. Christine Chappell knows from experience that there are no quick and easy solutions, but here she provides biblical wisdom and encouragement to offer hope for the hopeless teen and help for the helpless caregiver.
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About the book

If your teen is battling depression, you may be feeling helpless and hopeless. Perhaps you’re slowly coming to the realization that you have no idea how to rescue your child from the darkness he or she is in. Christine Chappell knows from experience that there are no quick and easy solutions, but here she provides biblical wisdom and encouragement to offer hope for the hopeless teen and help for the helpless caregiver.


"Help! My Teen Is Depressed is a gift to any parent navigating the difficult and disorienting road of depression with their teen. Rather than offering simplistic or cliché answers to a complex issue, Christine Chappell offers biblical and practical wisdom with the compassion and understanding of one who has walked this hard road and found the grace of God to be sufficient."
—Sarah Walton: Author of Hope When It Hurts and Together Through the Storms

"This important resource offers practical biblical wisdom with heartfelt compassion for parents who are walking through severe depression with their teens. The summary of counsel in the conclusion is well worth the price of the book."
—Jim Newheiser: Author of Parenting is More Than a Formula, Executive Director of the Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship, and Associate Professor of Christian Counseling and Pastoral Theology at RTS Charlotte

"Realistic, practical, and full of the love of Jesus for parents with teens who struggle with depression are all ways I would describe this booklet by Christine Chappell. As a Pastor who struggles with depression myself, I found this booklet to contain many helpful steps to take, but most of all I felt encouraged that God cares for people who struggle with depression. This is the sort of hope and love that we need to give to our teens as we enter into their emotional distress. In this booklet, Christine gives us tools to love our teens well as they struggle with depression."
—Joel Fitzpatrick: Husband, Father, Pastor, Author of Between us Guys: Life Changing Conversations for Dads and Sons and Co-Author of Mom, Dad… What’s Sex?: Giving Your Kids a Gospel-Centered View of Sex and Our Culture

About the author

Christine Chappell serves as the Outreach Director and Hope + Help Podcast Host for the Institute of Biblical Counseling & Discipleship. She’s passionate about advocating for biblical one-another care and discipleship in the context of the local church and blogs regularly at

Shepherd Press