Red Like Blood Audiobook

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Red Like Blood Audiobook

Red Like Blood Audiobook
Red Like Blood Audiobook

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Red Like Blood Audiobook

Model Number: SR47AD
Authors: Joe Coffey, Bob Bevington
MP3 Audio, 7 hrs 30 mins
ISBN 9781509476688

There’s a reason the book is titled Red Like Blood. Every chapter points to it. And it's something you don’t want to miss—the source, the essence, the fountain of God’s grace. The Story that, with a common scarlet thread, ties all stories of confrontations with grace together.
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About the book

This audiobook is delivered as a very large ZIP file. You will need to download it and extract the MP3 files in order to listen to the audiobook.

Explosive, pervasive, sweet, powerful, relentless, amazing, devastating, raw, and beautiful are all words to describe a single reality: Grace.

Grace is not flat or one-dimensional. It is a jewel with many facets and held up against the light grace is absolutely captivating. Joe Coffey and Bob Bevington, the authors of Red Like Blood, have been captivated by the wonder and the power of grace. Red Like Blood is an attempt to hold that jewel in such a way that it catches the light and moves into your soul like a flood.

Have you noticed that grace is most likely to flow into cracks formed by brokenness over our sin or circumstances? In Red Like Blood you will find story after story of brokenness and the grace that entered in. Some stories are from Joe, a pastor's kid turned pastor. Some are from Bob, a prodigal come home. And some are from the many inspiring characters they have met along the way. The stories are often raw and always brutally transparent. Because wherever real grace flows, real brokenness was there first.

There’s a reason the book is titled Red Like Blood. Every chapter points to it. And it's something you don’t want to miss—the source, the essence, the fountain of God’s grace. The Story that, with a common scarlet thread, ties all stories of confrontations with grace together.


"'Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.' These memorable words from the pen of ex-slave trader, John Newton, could well be the sub-title of Red Like Blood. This book is the story of two men; one a preacher and the other an obvious sinner, who both learned to drink deeply from the gospel and to experience the amazing grace of God. Red Like Blood is captivating, challenging, and encouraging. Both believers and non-believers will enjoy and profit from this book."
—Jerry Bridges, bestselling author of The Pursuit of Holiness and Trusting God

Shepherd Press