Stress, Confusion, Stress

Stress leads to confusion. What happens next is what determines whether you know peace or experience more stress. Stress is a part of life. There is no way to avoid it. But what you can avoid is the pain and disorientation of continuing stress. In the midst of confusion you can either turn to God and his word or you can rely on your own judgement and watch the stress and confusion grow.

Trust in God and his ways leads to peace. Like oil and water, trust and stress do not mix (See Matthew 6:19-34). When you attribute short, curt answers and a contentious spirit to stress, you are demonstrating that the stressful situation has overcome you. There is much in life that can be overwhelming. But God remains in control of his world. We don’t have to be driven by worry. With all that Job experienced, he was not dominated by worry and stress.

Proverbs 3:7-8 indicate that our bodies don’t do well when we trust ourselves, that is,  when we rely on our own understanding. Trusting God and purposely loving him in all that we do brings health to our soul and stability to our walk. Trusting our own understanding  leads to a troubled spirit, to a lack of stability and to more stress. Loving God in every area of your life means an intentional awareness of loving him.

Proverbs is talking about much more than just saying God’s name when things get challenging. Trusting God, fearing him and turning from stress brings peace to our minds and health to our bodies. Stress can indicate fear of man instead of fear of God.

When stress leads to confusion this can mean you are leaning on your own understanding. This is a time to take a deep breath and to ask God for clear direction from his word. When you worry about the future or if you think there is no way out of you problem you will be dominated by stress.

God has promised he is always faithful. His word is always true. These are not things you can say about your own judgement. When I trust my own understanding it does not go well for me. When you are overcome by stress reach out to God. Trust his understanding over your own. Remember Proverbs 3:7-8.

Model this for your children. If you see stress and uncertainty in their lives consider whether or not your lack of trust in God may be a contributing factor. The promise of Proverbs three is a rich one. Show its beauty to your children and to those God brings into your life.

Instructing a Child's Heart



Shepherd Press