How big is your God?
In Syria, Russian and United States combat planes appear to be flying missions with different objectives. The close proximity of the these two armed forces combined with the uncertainty of the Russian’s strategic objective is unsettling. Also, it appears that the Russians and Iranians are working together. Wars have started with less provocation.
Hurricane Joaquin has the potential to strike the Eastern seaboard. Recent storms hitting the same area have done considerable damage. Again, there is reason to be concerned for life and property.
In Roseburg, Oregon a 26 year-old man murdered at least 10 students at a community college. According to one news source the gunman asked the students if they were Christians. If they said yes, they were shot in the head. While there is much left to know about this tragic shooting one thing is clear; the depravity of the human heart has once again reared its ugly head.
How big is your God?
Was God a spectator on this day? Was he really working all things for good? Is everything really under God’s control? What do you tell your children?
The Bible is clear. Jesus is the Lord of the wind and the waves. Joaquin moves as God directs. Its course is not random. The political powers in Syria are subject to the rule of God. (Daniel 4:35). And as Jesus told his disciples, do not fear those who can only kill the body. God really is working all things for our good and his glory. He does control the days that we have to live, including those in Oregon.
So, yes, your God is big and mighty enough to control all of the global events of this day. His power also extends to all the troubling events of your life. With Paul, you can rest in the truth that nothing can separate you from the awesome power of God. He brings comfort to the broken-hearted. He restores peace to lives that are turned upside-down.
This night night you can be confident that your God is a big and powerful God who answers to no one but himself. God has never promised that we will be safe, but he has promised that he will always be good. Bring the peace of this truth your family. Sleep in confidence that your God rules the affairs of men to bring honor to his name. There is much more to say, but this is where you start.
5 thoughts on “Syria, Joaquin, and Oregon”
I disagree. God didn’t control the gunman. The gunman has free will. God gives us all free will. We are judged by how we use it. Just saying
Mario, the problem with your statement is that it contradicts Scripture. Daniel 4, Romans 8 and many other passages state that God is in control of all things. As Genesis 50:20 says, man may have meant something as evil but God causes it to work for good.
Good question. Ultimately we are left with trusting what the Bible says instead of trusting our own understanding. The Bible is clear that God does control all things and that he works all things together for our good and his glory. The Bible is also clear that God is not the author of evil. As Christians those are the parameters that we must acce;pt. there are many wonders that God does that are difficult for me to fully grasp, for example: my sin is wiped clean by the work of Christ. What we must do is trust what scripture says.
I guess this will have to be my ‘wrestle.’
I hope I can learn more to understand God’s ways and NOT mine.
Thank you for the reply.
Even the hard things have meaning. We are to identify with Christ in our sufferings. This gives meaning and purpose, even in difficult situations.