Fox and National Geographic Channels have combined to create a remake of the old Carl Sagan TV series, “Cosmos.” This new series is anything but fair and balanced. The writers of the new Cosmos make it clear they believe there is no explanation, other than evolution and random chance, for the origins of life and the universe. They are certainly free to think that way. However, the new Cosmos is not just promoting a particular view of science. The show is actively targeting and mocking Christians and any belief other than theirs.
The first program specifically went after various Christian beliefs as well as going after the Catholic church with derogatory, condescending comments. The second show portrayed the tree of evolution as the tree of life. Again there were pointed statements about the evolutionary process being ruled by chance and openly mocking the idea of intelligent design. The narrator delighted in pointing out that some people were uncomfortable and had emotional reactions to the reality that we evolved from apes and that our DNA has much in common with trees. This was illustrated with DNA replicas. I guess they thought this was more effective than showing a grinning Carl Sagan hugging a tree in the old Cosmos. Again, I have no problem with Cosmos being allowed to say what they want in the public media. But, as Christians, we would be foolish to miss the pointedness and the arrogance of the attack. Nothing is allowable except random mutation of single cell organisms and evolution to account for life on earth. Fancy graphics and an improved space ship from the first Cosmos do not change what is real.
The choice is clear about how creation occurred. You can opt for random selection or the loving, providential Word of God in the person of Jesus Christ. The former makes morality and ethics just as random as the evolutionary process itself. There are no standards and there cannot be truth. There can only be the fluid and dynamic morality of random chance.
The latter view provides the basis for accountability and purpose in life. There is much at stake here for us and for our children. Observe carefully and be ready to respond to a lost world with the truth that God is the creator of all. We are all accountable to him who has determined the exact places where we will live and who provides us with our next breath. We must be bold, clear and gentle in proclaiming that God is not a figment of the imagination, but the Lord of all creation who spoke the universe into existence.
8 thoughts on “The New Cosmos – an animated rant against God”
I turned it off after about three minutes. It is so sad how proud they are of their blindness.
Choose this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve The Lord.
It’s always refreshing to read Biblical truth among all the cultural sin of man’s free will. It’s reassurring to know I’m not the only one feeling persecuted, but staying strong in the Lord Jesus Christ! God Bless!
I agree, totally. Hope Denish D’Souza presents his rebuttal program on primetime.
Neil deGrasse Tyson’s “Cosmos” ??? Thanks ….haven’t had time to watch the series….now I can delete and and be done with this trash.
I saw the commercial for this and was excited about it. However, I forgot that the old ‘cosmos” was atheist Carl Sagan and his ridiculous insistence on random, accidental beginnings. So sad. I love looking at the heavens-at THE GLORY OF GOD THE CREATOR. It’s a shame that there isn’t a program that shows the beauty, wonder and majesty that a Holy God created for us to discover. I’m fascinated by pics of the Hubble, etc. But I will not watch this show. These so-called “scientists” who think they are so brilliant don’t realize that EVERYTHING that they think they’ve “discovered”-God has always known. He made it all-by speaking a word.
I would like to see the look on these evolutionists faces when they stand before the creator of the universe and all life and tell Him He does not exist. Priceless!
Atheism is irrational in that is fails to provide an engine for existence — what creates and sustains all things? Observing phenomena in the universe through scientific investigation is not the same as discovering its source, and simply saying “we’re still looking” is just extending the game of hide-and-seek. Creation has its Creator just as software has its software designer.
Consider for a moment the body’s ability to heal itself after an abrasion. What makes this happen? Do the cells of the body, equipped with microscopic “men at work” hats, get together in a sort of war-room to discuss how they are going to approach the problem of repairing the damage to the body? Do they make reference to blueprints? These tiny biological structures do not even possess self-awareness, and yet atheists impute to them the ability to carry out complex and coherent operations like repairing damage to the body. Such a position makes no logical sense. Of course, atheists can (as I used to do when I was an atheist) fall back on the argument of last resort: “It is what it is”. But such a statement doesn’t answer or explain anything. Atheists don’t believe in an “it” in the first place. “It is what it is” is superstitious, evasive, and irrational; whereas “I Am Who Am” is scientific, forthright, rational and, in fact, inevitable.
Getting from the obvious existence of the Creator and Sustainer of all things to the point of acknowledging Jesus Christ as Savior may not be so obvious, but when we consider the phenomenon of conscience that is either informed by truth or deformed by the rejection of truth, then faith can begin to emerge in a God who has an attitude toward us and wishes to communicate it. Christians believe that attitude is love.
I pray that some of those reading this article and this comment will consider that atheism isn’t logical at all, but is more likely a defense mechanism used by those with a distaste for acknowledging a God to whom we may just owe devotion and obedience.
Peace to all in Christ,