Whether you watch the Super Bowl or not the game is important to you as a Christian parent. This annual spectacle tells you a great deal about the world your children will inhabit. Proverbs 7 shows a father looking out his window at the culture around him. This father used the view from his window to instruct his son about the dangers of life. The window of your television affords you the same opportunity and obligation. In addition to the game you can learn much about our culture from the commercials. These commercials cost 4 million dollars for a 30 second spot, and that does not include the production costs. The companies who sponsor these commercials spend a considerable amount of money and resources to attempt to learn what motivates people. It is safe to assume that these sponsors don’t see an America that is primarily motivated by a desire for holiness.
Literally hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested by sponsors of the Super Bowl to ask what America values. The answers they find shape the commercials you see. Why is this important? Because like the wise father in Proverbs 7, you can use the commercials to help you identify the temptations that confront you and your family. I John 2 carries a strong warning: do not love the world. The Super Bowl commercials provide a window to see what the world values.
It is not enough to simply to say, “Don’t love the world.” Like the dad in Proverbs, your instruction must be targeted and specific. The enemy of your soul is doing his best to make the world attractive to your children. He wants them to love the world! You can learn a great deal about the motivations of our culture by thoughtfully observing the commercials in this game. Analyze them. The warnings of Proverbs are based in part on an informed knowledge of the dangers & temptations that make up life. The Super Bowl and its commercials reveal much about the heart of our culture and its treasure. You and your children are impacted by these things.
If you don’t want to watch the game, ask some one who does to take note of the commercials so you take advantage of this opportunity. Some of this year’s commercials will tug at your heart in a good way, like the Budweiser Puppy Adoption commercial. But most will pull your heart in dangerous directions. But all of them will tell you something about the motivations of our culture.
Watch the game if you want. But don’t miss this Proverbs 7 opportunity to look through the electronic window to see what temptations the enemy has in store for you and your family.
12 thoughts on “The Super Bowl: revealing the heart of our culture”
Thank you so much for writing this article. I have heard many say that they watch the superbowl for it’s lively commercials. You article swayed me to turn to Proverbs chapter 7 and read. My how true those words are and I will make this my personal bible study this weekend. –Blessings!
Actually, there is a site that “ranks” all of the Super Bowl ads. It usually posts a day or 2 later. This way, you don’t have to bother with the game (which my family has dubbed “The Stupid Bowl”) and still see the ads. Incidentally, I’ve seen the two Budweiser ads, and they are phenomenal. It’s a shame that it’s for beer.
Great point. We may nor be able to”parent” the adults we are watching with but I pray that we have opportunity use these same principles to guide hearts to God. We are all just beggers telling other beggers where to find bread. This is one more opportunity to lead someone in the direction of the cross. Thank you for pointing it out.
When you say that the Budweiser Puppy Adoption commercial
tugs at your heart in a good way…..It still is about what the world
values….drinking beer and “its ok if you drink Budweiser because it tugs
at your heart in a good way” it doesn’t show you the abuse that comes with
being intoxicated, nor the kids that don’t have nutritious food, coats and snow boots because
the money is wasted on buying beer. I agree the game, the commercials and the
unsavory half time spectacle can have a profound influence on the culture in which
we and our children are living in and can be a useful tool in teaching as your illustration
of the father in Proverbs 7. But just because something makes us say ‘awe’ and
tugs at our heart doesn’t mean that it is tugging our hearts to the glory of
Vicky, thanks for your comment. We must always watch with discernment. The point of the post is to examine the content of the ads. Even in the midst of depravity we must remember the teaching of Psalm 8 that man is a creature of glory and honor. He is the image bearer of God, even though that image is severely tarnished by the fall. But it is not totally obliterated. We still see glimpses God’s splendor in the midst of all that is wrong, We can use these to call folks back from the depths of their sin.
Love the blog. The comments here are very honest and desirous of glorifying God.
The GAME…commercials. I believe it’s a game that we can use to fulfill the attitude that belonged to Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:20-22:
20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law.22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.
These commercials that display the “motivations of the world” are incredible conversation starters for those of us who struggle with evangelism. People all over the world are going to talk about them, even worship them, why not slant the conversation over to the the true joy and hope? Why not intentionally steer conversations towards the one who not only tugs hearts, but radically changes them?!
We watch with a church group and we mute the commercials and turn off the half time. I may convince them to watch the commercials and make it a lesson for the next week.
We got rid of our directv a few years ago…and I have absolutley NO regreats!! No bill, no fighting over what cartoon to watch(because theres about 30 to choose from). And no more supporting WRONG tv programs!! I will never go back!!
Thank you.
Thank you. You are so correct… and my kids all want to go to Nana & Papa’s house to watch it but none of us are football fans. The commercials are bad enough on regular programs let alone the Superbowl. :/ I am really leaning towards getting rid of cable t.v all together.