This weekend don’t miss the opportunity to look at the sky and learn about God’s glory. Every day God declares his majesty in the skies. It is just that on the weekends we may have more opportunity to actually look at the message God brings in the sky. Psalm 19:1 tells us this is:
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
This Psalm tells you can always look at the sky and quickly see how God is at work. The skies tell us that God is powerful, that he awesome, that he is dangerous, that he can display great beauty or bring great destruction from the same cloud, and that he can bring soft rains or raging torrents as he pleases. The skies remind us of the power of Jesus Christ, the Lord of the wind and waves.
Parents, life is busy. So busy, in fact, that we tend to forget that God displays his glory and power in the sky. It is essential to be in awe of God each day. The skies above are one means God has provided to remind us of what a great God he is.
He has not left himself without a daily testimony of his greatness. Even on a day when the sky is clear, God’s work is proclaimed. The clear sky speaks of peace, just as the stormy one speaks of power. When you believe you are alone, of if God seems distant, look at the skies; they declare his glory! The heavens declare that you can never be too busy for God.
This weekend look up! It will bless you and your kids.