It’s Election Day. All 435 seats of the U.S. House of Representatives are at stake, along with approximately one third of the Senate seats and numerous governorships. The national media is doing its part to add to the drama and anxiety of the moment. Some would even have us think that the fate of our country hangs on the outcome of this election. But this is not accurate. The fate of our country is in the hands of the God of the Bible. No, you will not hear or read any stories that reflect this reality. There will be not exit polls that probe for this factor. But what the news media reports does not change what is true.
Don’t misunderstand. It is important to vote!
The Apostle Paul exercised his rights as a citizen of Rome. Jesus Christ gave us the perfect balance when he said render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s. So voting and participating in the political process is a good thing as long as we remember Who is really in control!
Elections are a wonderful opportunity to live out your faith in front of your children. God commands you to pray for your elected officials, even the bad ones. So today is a good day to pray for those who are currently in office and for those will who win their elections.
Tell your children that God is the one who is really in control. Don’t get caught up in the anxiety of the moment. There is not one election result, not one law, not one executive order that will prevent you from honoring and obeying God. That is a liberating thought.
What is needed in our country is not a change in politicians, but changed hearts across our land. The politicians can pass legislation but only the church can spread the message that will change hearts. This is where your hope lies.
Whatever the results of today’s election may bring, you have reason to praise God. Your confidence is in the ruler of heaven and earth. He is the one who raises some to office and casts others out. No one can hold back his mighty arm. Live out this precious truth before your children and a watching world. Be at peace, your God is a refuge strong and sure!
Psalm 146
Praise the Lord!
Let all that I am praise the Lord.
I will praise the Lord as long as I live.
I will sing praises to my God with my dying breath.
Don’t put your confidence in powerful people;
there is no help for you there.
When they breathe their last, they return to the earth,
and all their plans die with them.
But joyful are those who have the God of Jacob
as their helper,
whose hope is in the Lord their God.