Whatever, it doesn’t matter. You have heard these words before, perhaps even from your own lips. These words are not words of encouragement or optimism. They are said when we feel let down, betrayed, discouraged. The irony is that often these words really mean that something matters very much.
We continue to be surprised at being disappointed. People have this problem called sin. Sin comes from rebellion to God. At its root, rebellion starts with believing a lie.
We believe we can be happy apart from dying to ourselves.
We believe that the people we love will not hurt us.
We believe that we deserve what we desire.
We believe things will be better next time.
We believe that we will not be disappointed again.
And then, when our beliefs turn into self-deception, we say it doesn’t matter.
The truth is that there is there is only one person who will never disappoint you, his name is Jesus.
The miscalculation of this age, of any age, is to look for hope without looking for God. Sin begins with putting someone or something other than God at the center of our affections.
To compound the issue, a culture rich with material things is a culture that breeds bitterness and disappointment. Why? Relationships become secondary to material possessions. When this happens relationships will always disappoint. Without the life-changing power of Christ and his gospel, life will disappoint. In the end, someone will say – it doesn’t matter.
For you, Christian, all things matter, because all that you do can to be done for the glory and honor of God. People and things will not lead to happiness, but to disappointment. People, no matter how appealing they may be, will bring disappointment. Things, no matter how much they are desired cannot satisfy.
It is the gospel that matters. The gospel matters because it transforms your ability to distinguish between things of value and things that only pretend to offer value. It matters because it enables you to love others more than yourself, to be heal rather than to be hurt.
Whether for you or your children, disappointment comes when people fail or things don’t satisfy. You have looked for hope in the wrong places.
The gospel matters. There is only one Person who will not disappoint you – his name is Jesus.
4 thoughts on “Whatever, it doesn’t matter.”
I have to admit, I’m %100 guilty of saying, whatever and it doesn’t matter. It really does matter. Nothing in this world is more important than Gods love and forgiveness. I believe what this post says although I’m nowhere near where I feel I should be. I believe in Gods word and I believe Jesus did die for our sins. I’ve gotta be honest though, I still haven’t died to the old me. I still get drunk, here lately once a week, my language is still foul often and I still haven’t forgiven a few people in my life. It’s crazy right? See I believe but I can’t seem to fully give it all to our Lord. I’m truly scared for my salvation! I can honestly say I’ve got one of the biggest hearts and I genuinely care and have love for everyone but I’m stuck. I don’t know why I’m posting this except for the fact it’s on my heart. I don’t wanna go to Hell! I try to read the Bible but I end up only reading a verse or two and no more. I feel the conviction deep in my spirit and then I fight it. God has done,well, everything for me and I know this to be true and I am thankful. In fact I pray alot and majority of the time I’m thanking him for what I do have and constantly asking for forgiveness. I’m afraid His forgiving me will stop unless I completely give myself to Him and truly die to the wickedness I have lived. I’m really starting to believe I’m cursed. If anyone has any suggestions and, or can just please cry out to God with me I would be so very grateful. Thank you all not only for this post but the whole website and all of your faith in our God, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. May God continue to bless you all and all who read this, in Jesus name I pray! Amen!
The best counsel I can give is to find a church that is committed to the gospel and the authority of the Bible. Seek help from their leadership and seek to be with people who will encourage you with biblical truth. Thanks for your comment.
I would suggest you seek out a church that offers a “Celebrate Recovery” program. CR has done wonders for people facing hurts, hang-ups and addictions, and it is Biblically based. You’re certainly not out anything by taking that most important first step. Praying you find God’s strength and peace……
Except for the drinking part, it’s like I posted this myself and I was reading what my self has posted!! :O we are literally going through the exact same thing! Thank you so much for your comment. May God bless you and protect you! 😀 Gpd has touched my heart through your message!