Parents, if you are going to talk about God’s control it is vital that you encourage your children to trust God’s goodness when difficult things happen. For children and their parents losing a pet can be a shattering time. It is also an opportunity to trust God when life really, really hurts.
The Bible beautifully explains the closeness we can have with our pets. Nathan describes this closeness in a way that touches our hearts:
“…but the poor man had nothing except one small ewe lamb that he had bought. He raised it, and it grew up, living with him and his children. It shared his meager food and drank from his cup; it slept in his arms, and it was like a daughter to him”.
II Samuel 12:3&4
What a beautiful description of what it means to love a pet! I believe one of the reasons the Holy Spirit gave us this description is that so that we can experientially know that God really does understand our loss when our pet dies.
Make no mistake. God is ultimately in control, even when a pet dies. He wants you and your children to trust him through your tears. He is able to heal the loss. Parents, it is good to cry with your children, hold them, and listen to them. But through your tears tell your children of the comfort you have from God. Tell them you know that God cares and that even in this sadness he will bring good things. Tell them that God can heal their broken hearts. Sometimes in life there are no easy answers. It is good to remember that Christ was hurt in every way that we can be hurt so that he can help us in our time of need.