The resurrection is the defining moment in all of human history. Without the resurrection the holy character of God could not have allowed for the race of men to continue to exist. It is the triumph of the risen Savior as he fulfilled the promise that was made thousands of years earlier.
The resurrection means that Christ won hope, joy and peace for his people and for the honor of his Father. It means that all of the mess of this world will be reconciled and made whole. When Christ rose from the dead he made hope more than just a wish. Those whom Christ redeemed are counted as pure and holy.
Jesus was faithful to the covenant promise he made to his Father before time began. The faithfulness of his character provided the opportunity for unholy people to come to Christ and to acquire his righteousness. Throughout all of human history our existence has always depended on the faithful commitment of Christ to make his people holy and righteous.
This is what makes the resurrection unique.
The resurrection is what provides meaning when life hurts. Because of the resurrection the ugliness of my sin is obliterated. Christ made it possible to know his Father and to know what it means to have hope! His resurrection brought the illumination and power of his Spirit to my dark heart. Praise his name.