As humans we have an amazing capacity for self-importance. After being with Jesus at the last supper, after having him wash their feet, after hearing that one of them would betray Jesus, the disciples began to discuss an important topic.
Actually, it was a dispute. They began to argue about which of them would have the highest public opinion poll!
“A dispute also arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest.” (Luke 22:24)
But not really, the disciples are too much like me for comfort. They typically were interested in things that had to do with them. Sound familiar? Even after 3 years of living with Christ and hearing his teaching, it was still all about them.
So, what is it that changed these self-serving wannabes into men who fearlessly invaded the Roman world and beyond with the gospel? These men literally changed the course of human history because they began to care more about serving Christ than serving themselves. What made the difference? I believe there are two components of this change.
The first is the words Jesus spoke to them that ended their dispute. He addressed them as men who would be leaders but they would lead differently than the religious politicians they were used to. The one who rules will be like the one who serves.
Wow! If you are to lead you must become a servant, just as Christ had become a servant to them. Notice his words: “But I am among you as one who serves.”
The second component is what Jesus did the next day – he went to the Cross and gave up his life for these squabbling power seekers and for millions of others like you and me. He became the ultimate servant. Every aspect of the Christian life begins and ends with Cross, it is our reality check.
When you are wondering about what are the limits of love, look to the Cross. When you wonder if you are truly cared for, look to the Cross. When you struggle with how to lead your family, look to Cross. Jesus came to serve and honor his Father. There is no better example of that than the Cross.