Monthly Archives: January 2014

42 posts

Troubles with schoolwork – looking beyond the obvious

Schoolwork assignments add another set of variables that goes beyond the immediate scope of the parent-child relationship. If you tell your child to take out the garbage, or take a few minutes to read to his little brother, the interaction is primarily between you and your son. However, if the task is to complete a schoolwork assignment, there may be important factors influencing your child that are not immediately obvious. This is true even for homeschoolers.    Any time your child interacts with an outside source of direction or information, parents must be alert. Wisdom, discernment, and patience are required to understand your child’s reaction to that outside source. It is in these moments when you prepare your children to deal […]


Does God want you to choose only between good and bad? Or is he also interested in you making the right choice between what is good and what is best?   Too often parents only focus on choosing between good and bad. That is important. But even more important is the goal to choose that which is best! God wants us to do more than avoid evil. He wants our best.   This is why Ruth Younts defines discernment this way:   “Discernment is seeing the difference between good and bad – or good and best – so I know what to do to please God.”   Prayer for discernment:   Dear Lord, sin makes me so foolish and stupid […]

If God is not taught, can good result?

Sean wants to be a structural engineer. He wants to design buildings with beauty and functionality. However, Sean hates algebra and calculus. He has no interest in math.     Sean also says he wants to be a good person. However, Sean hates the idea of God and moral absolutes. For Sean, the Bible is a collection of outdated myths. But he still believes he can be and is a good person. More is needed to be a structural engineer than simply desiring to be one. More is also needed to be a good person than self-proclamation. The difference is that being good is much more challenging than being an engineer. Being good requires a heart change. One of the […]

Gospel driven schoolwork

What is there about schoolwork that should point to the gospel? First and foremost, it is God who assigned the schoolwork. God orders all things and determines all earthly authorities, including teachers (Colossians:15-20; Romans 8:28). Schoolwork, no matter how random, tedious or difficult it might appear to be, is ultimately directed by God in his wise providence. One of the purposes of all the work that we have to do is to drive us to Christ and his gospel (Col. 3:17). In order to encourage your children to trust God, you must first encourage them with the gospel message of grace. Their schoolwork is sent to them by God. Schoolwork is a wonderful opportunity to teach your kids how God is […]

A girl and her birthmark

Several years ago I had the privilege to respond to a mom whose daughter was mocked by another child on a school bus. Here is the comment the little girl’s mom wrote in her blog: The girl on the bus pointed at her birthmark–the one just below her left eye–and told her she looked stupid. The soft confession came from my little girl, who was staring at the floor. A groan escaped me and I grabbed my daughter close. And I did exactly what I shouldn’t have: I cried. Will it get easier to be strong? Will it get easier to say the right thing in response to pain? Below is what I wrote to encourage this mom. A birthmark, […]

Caring for single-parent families

Christian single-parents live in two worlds. As a part of the church world, they are in the minority. As a part of the world outside of church they are the majority. Parenting is challenging enough with two parents – it can be overwhelming with just one. It is important for church leaders and two-parent families to recognize the challenges single-parent brothers and sisters face. This is important for the health of the entire church and our witness to the communities we serve. As Paul reminds us, if one part of the body suffers, the whole body suffers as well. Many of our single-parent families are struggling. This is not always easy to spot in a church environment. Worship services, educational […]

We must not hide the dominion of Christ from our children.

Colossians tells us that we have been rescued from the domain of darkness and been transferred into the Kingdom of God’s Son. Yet, often we act as if no rescue has taken place at all. You and I frequently live as if we still remain in the realm of darkness. When this happens we do what the Psalmist tells us not to do; we hide this miraculous transfer of dominions from our children.   Colossians does not speak of another kingdom that exists between the realm of darkness and the realm of Christ. Yet we often live as if this mythical kingdom is real. In this pretend kingdom, the really important issues of life are seen as neutral. There are […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Are you all in for God?   Proverbs suggests at least one reason why we have periods of spiritual apathy. Solomon says to find the knowledge of God, you must be passionately committed to your search, you must be all in.   Suppose I told you that you could find millions of dollars of treasure in your back yard, all you have to do is go find it. Would your response be passive? Would you start your search after you have had a nap or watched your favorite TV program or football game? Would you put your search off until a more convenient time?  Would you worry about the neighbors thinking you are weird because you are digging up your […]

Believing or Mocking in 2014

A new year has begun. 2014 is already on a relentless pace towards 2015. There will be plenty of things to worry about: healthcare, the unsettled Middle East, mid-term elections, more earthquakes and severe storms, and no doubt, personal concerns, and more. The question is—how practical is your Bible in the face of increased opportunity for worry? Listen to Christ’s words as he addresses worries about our lives. Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or […]

Absalom and your teenager

Absalom was a troubled young man. He did not present himself as troubled, but he was. He projected power; he manipulated his father, the king. He was arrogant. He was vengeful, taking the life of his brother in payment for the honor of his sister. He had a flare for the dramatic. He had 50 men who ran ahead of him to announce his going and coming. He challenged his father’s leadership by publicly proclaiming that life would be better for all if only he were king. But the real Absalom was not what he appeared to be. Inside he was hurting. He relied on subversion and raw intimidation to achieve what he wanted. He had no answer for the pain […]