On Palm Sunday Jesus entered Jerusalem to cheering crowds. Five days later the crowds screamed for his crucifixion. When Christ met the expectations of the crowd, he was their king. When he did not, they shouted for his death! The lesson is clear if you have the courage to see. You cannot understand the purposes of God by listening to the praises of men, no matter how impressive or lavish that praise may be. Man’s praise is fickle and it affections can change in a heartbeat. Learn the lesson of Palm Sunday. Do not be overcome by the praise of people. Matthew 21:6-9 The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them. They brought the donkey and the colt and […]
Daily Archives: March 28, 2015
2 posts
Parents, if you put up with a grumbling, complaining spirit as the price for your children following your directions, you open the door to lying to God. God desires obedience from the heart, not the outward form of ritual sacrifice. (Amos 5:21-23; Isaiah 29:13) So, the mindset that says, “At least he took the garbage out, even though he moaned and groaned about it,” totally misses the point of loving God. This child is not being shepherded. Rather he is being encouraged to believe that God can be misled by mere outward compliance to his commands. We see a similar scenario in the story of Ananias and Sapphire: “Now a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, also sold […]