Monthly Archives: August 2015

25 posts

Anger, a sign of weakness

I was reminded today that human anger is a sign of weakness. Just to be clear, I understand there are times for righteous anger. We could all stand to experience more of this type of anger. But this post is not about righteous anger. It is about the anger that deceives, that makes you think your anger is justified.  So when a child, a teenager, a spouse, or a coworker crosses an arbitrary line we feel totally justified by an angry response. Our flesh screams unfair! Angry words of self-defense and accusation flow freely from our lips. This sort of language and rationalization will receive a hearty amen from the Satanic cheering section. We think we have been strong, when […]

Job: Protected by his emotions & love of God

The things in life that Job held dear were gone in a moment. Job was a man of great faith and he had a deep love for God. He was in daily prayer for the spiritual well-being of his children. Because he feared God with a holy, reverent fear, his emotional response to evil was to turn from it rather than consider it or embrace it. Job’s emotions worked for him rather than against him. When Job was crushed by devastating losses of property and life he turned to the worship of his God. Worship is not a common response to searing pain in life. But Job’s love and awe of God was deeply engraved upon his heart. The very […]

Teenage lives matter

The world’s culture appeals directly to the flesh. It does not ask permission from parents to tempt their teenagers. Apart from the work of the Holy Spirit, the flesh is an intimate gateway for the world’s temptations. The message that the world gives seeks to discredit the biblical message that Christian parents offer. Galatians 5:19-21 & Proverbs 9 teach that the teenager’s flesh willingly listens to the world’s message of subversion. Parents, you must be aware of this warfare! Your call for your teenagers to be pure may be met with a scoffing, mocking world that already has an “in” with your teenager. “But my teenager has made a profession of faith,” you protest. But the battle against the flesh goes […]

Wisdom: It’s Not Natural

What does wisdom look like today? Here are some basics about biblical wisdom that will help in this search. No one is born wise. The first prerequisite for being wise is to come to saving relationship with Christ. Wisdom comes from a diligent and relentless pursuit of wisdom. Therefore, the pursuit of wisdom is not natural or easy. Wisdom cannot be learned apart from the fear of God. Biblical wisdom is unlike anything that can be achieved by human effort. Your children will be dominated by worldly thought until they desire God’s wisdom. The Beatitudes and the fruit of the Spirit describe what wisdom looks like. When these qualities are pursued as if it were buried treasure, out of a […]

Worship Words

When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. These are words from the hymn, “When I survey the wondrous cross.” No doubt you have sung them before. If you have been a Christian for a while, perhaps you can even sing these words from memory. However, think carefully about what you are singing. For example in the words above, a declaration is made before man and God that nothing you have accomplished, no possession you have attained, no human success can compare to what Christ purchased for you on the cross. Really? Do you live this way? Do those who know […]