What causes stress with your teenager? The easy answer is that if your teenager was more respectful, if he would just do half of the things you asked, if she would actually listen, if you mattered half as much as the phone, things would not be so stressful. Of course there are some things that you need to work on, but the bottom line is your teenager specializes in making life difficult. The problem here is the assumption that the teenager is in control. Everything is dependent upon the teenager doing what is wanted or expected. The parent’s action is controlled by what the teenager does instead of what God commands. Really? Yes, really. James says that fights and quarrels […]
Monthly Archives: December 2016
The Christmas clean up is about done. But this does not mark the end of gift giving. Each morning the gift of Christ awaits you. Even more, this gift is one that God opens for you. God is relentless in his pursuit to bring joy to your needy soul. He cannot be out given. No matter what circumstance you face, the unfailing love of God is constant. This love transcends the difficulties of daily life. Each morning the wonder of Christmas is yours again. This is not a gift that you have earned. So, don’t require others to earn your love and your favor before you love them. Give this gift that is freely given to you to your spouse, […]
An old man who believed God that he would see the Messiah before he died was rewarded by the Spirit of God when he encountered Mary and Joseph in the temple with their young son. Recalling the words of Isaiah he said this baby was: “a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.” There is no authentic light in this world but the light of Christ. Anything else that appears to be light is but a reflection of the light of Christ, much in the same way that the moon or the planets have no light of their own – they only reflect the light of the sun. When you look for light look […]
As I write this post the winter and summer solstice is occurring. At 5:44 a.m. EST the sun will shine directly over the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere. Summer officially begins for the Southern Hemisphere and Winter begins for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere. December 21st, marks both the longest and shortest day of the year. The reverse will happen on June 21st. Why is this important? Because God made a promise to Noah that the seasons will continue on our planet for as long as it exists. And, this exact moment is proof that God keeps his word. By the time this post is finished the Sun will have ceased it southward journey and begun […]
Give your favorite Shepherd Press resources this Christmas! Just click on the banner above to go to our Christmas Sale page!
Joy is a response to the reign of King Jesus. It is the rule of Christ and not your circumstances that is your reason for joy. This is the theme of the second verse of Joy to the World: Joy to the World, the Savior reigns! Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy. God has done marvelous things. It is true that there is much darkness and sadness in our world, but because of the Lordship of Christ, you have hope. Things are not as they appear to be. Regardless of what the circumstances appear to declare, this one fact remains – the Savior reigns! There is more to life […]
Being a parent is a consuming job. The unexpected and unplanned for circumstances just keep on coming. In the mess, Christ can become distant. In Psalm 73, the psalmist had become overwhelmed with the seeming futility of following God. Survival mode had become the norm. He was thinking, “I just can’t do this anymore.” But here is the reality that the crush of daily life can obscure—Jesus is right there with you in the middle of the mess of your life! Trusting Christ in the mess of life is what gives stability to your soul. He has brought together all of the events, frustrations and demands of your life to point you to him. Jesus is not some distant bystander. […]
The darkness of the world is total. When you are overcome by anger, resentment, bitterness, despair there is no light – only darkness. God has something better for you. People who are walking in darkness will see a great light. Light is the great promise of the Christ-child. As Isaiah proclaims, it is God who turns darkness into light. Take time to remind your children and yourself that life without Christ is deep, utter darkness. May God grant you faith to live by the light and turn from darkness. May the light of Christ shine in the dark, troubled places of your heart. Rejoice! The light of Christ has come. The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; […]
There is a compelling reason to celebrate the Advent, but it has nothing to do with a particular country. God’s angels burst into the night sky to praise the birth of Christ. In Luke 2 we read how the sky erupted with the praise of the angels: Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Then, in Revelation 5:11-14, we again read of the angels proclaiming the praises our Savior, the Lamb. Why is the Lamb worthy to receive praise throughout the Universe? Because he completed the mission his Father entrusted to his care. The […]
As I left my house to go the store tonight I was greeted by a brilliant view of Venus in the western sky. Then I looked to the east to catch an almost full moon rising above the trees. Both of these beautiful images were lit by the fierce light of the our Sun which had just slipped below horizon. And then I thanked Christ for his everyday gift of maintaining the continuous, controlled explosive power which fuels the Sun’s radiance. Jesus Christ makes the blessings of everyday life possible. Most of the time I forget just how dependent I am upon his everyday sustaining care and power. He makes the Sun to shine. He actively gives you and me […]