Yearly Archives: 2016

231 posts

Words That Bring Life

The wise man (including the wise child) is motivated by the fear of God and the pursuit of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7; 3:11-18).  This is an important lesson for children to grasp. For example, a little boy who craves praise may well grow into a husband who will be angry and disappointed when he is not constantly praised. He can easily be prone to self-pity. This can lead to a man who will be withdrawn, sullen, or even abusive.  Similarly, a young woman who lives for the praise of others, becomes a target for those who would take advantage of her. Proverbs has some profound things to say about receiving criticism.  Solomon warns against living for the praise of others. Learning to […]

What Is Justice?

People want justice. Watch the news, listen to the candidates, listen to your three-year-old — justice matters. But whose justice are we talking about? Does your three-year-old offer an unbiased perspective on justice? Of course, the candidates and the media don’t appear to be any more balanced in their understanding of justice than your unhappy toddler. Like Pilate’s question to Jesus, we ask, “what is justice?” Justice cannot be determined by soundbites or clever ads or by passionate personal pleas. The cry for justice fuels unrest and often ends in violence. In the name of justice much harm occurs — both at home and in the streets. Toddlers, teenagers and spouses all want justice. But whose justice do you want? […]

The Equinox: A Time Of Color!

Today, precisely at 10:21 a.m. EDT, the Sun will once again pass directly over the equator. If you live in Australia, today means that longer days and warm weather is on the way. If you live in North America, it is just the reverse, shorter days and cooling temperatures. The Lord announces the change of seasons with spectacular outbursts of color. Spring arrives with fresh greens and gorgeous, subtle pastels. Fall is arrives with bold splashes of yellows, reds and golds. The Lord delights in color. He specifically designed you to recognize the visual beauty that accompanies the Sun’s passage across the equator twice each year. Your eyes are portals which allow light to be transmitted to your brain so […]

God’s Approval Of Job’s Curse

In the third chapter of Job he recalls the total and horrific tragic events that brought overwhelming despair and agony to his life. He curses the day he was born and wishes that the day he was conceived would be erased. The chapter ends with these words: “What I always feared has happened to me. What I dreaded has come true. I have no peace, no quietness. I have no rest; only trouble comes.” Job had suffered all that we dread as humans. God took his property, livestock and then, even his children. And on top of that he is inflicted with painful sores all over his body. Only his wife is left and she urges him to curse God […]

Do You Enjoy Being Duped?

The answer is, of course you don’t! Yet, if you are like most people, you find yourself frequently saying something like, “I know better than that, why do I keep doing it?” So why do you keep repeating the things that trouble you — it is the deceptiveness of sin. You were born with a spiritual heart that is defective, it does not operate as intended. If there is a problem with your physical heart, it tends to immediately demand whatever attention is necessary in order to solve the problem. However, the same level of concern and expense is seldom directed towards a malfunctioning spiritual heart. In Jeremiah, the Holy Spirit speaks directly about your defective heart: “The human heart […]

Low-Tech Terror In Your Neighborhood

Low-tech terrorism is an ugly, cowardly, but effective means to bring fear to many. It represents a threat to families going about their daily activities. And, of course, it is designed to be unsettling to your children. What do you tell them? How do you ease their fears? God continues to be your refuge and your strength, even in times of trouble and uncertainty. He has promised to never leave you or forsake you. He knows your children’s most intimate thoughts and fears. He controls the acts of men, even the awful deeds that are done. This is how he works all things for good for his people. Here is a prayer for you and your children that will encourage […]

Emotions and Your Heart

Solomon is adamant that the heart be guarded above all else (Proverbs 4:23). In the wisdom literature of the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit has provided you with a guide book for understanding emotions. Biblically, emotions can be thought of as the first responders of the heart. If the heart is well-guarded emotions can work for you, not against you. If the heart is not guarded then emotions can bring much damage. The book of Job immediately shows the value of emotions. Job feared the Lord and shunned evil. His strong emotional fear of God protected him from evil. This is the same emotional response that protected Joseph when he fled from the arms of Potiphar’s wife. This the type […]

Do People Frustrate You?

The person who is insensitive dominates your thinking. Your ungrateful kids or spouse provides hours of self-pity. The so-called friend who is constantly irritating you keeps you awake at night. The political figure who is against everything you stand for makes you see red. When you reject the Spirit’s control you give all these people control of your life. Is this what you really want? I didn’t think so. All of the above examples mean you are being controlled by your flesh and not the Spirit of God. In Galatians 5 Paul tells you to walk by the Spirit, so that you will not gratify the desires of your flesh. If you desire the control of the Holy Spirit then […]

Silent Pleas

On any given Sunday morning, you may sit next to a friend who is silently, urgently, pleading for help. She desperately wants help, but she is terrified that someone might actually notice her fears. So, each Sunday she tries to look normal and happy, while on the inside she agonizes with a mixture of guilt, desperation, fear and resignation. You see, your friend, who always appears slightly edgy but always eager to please, who quickly offers a nervous smile, is living in an abusive relationship. This scenario is all too real. The ugly reality is that weak men find their security in having women fear them. Your friend thought she had found just the right man. Exploitative, abusive men will […]

The Power Of Faith Living In You

The book of Judges tells the story of a very dark time in the history of Israel. Yet even in the darkness, God was at work. As He often does, He brought light and hope from the most unexpected place. Naomi accompanied her faithless husband, Elimelech, to Moab; he doubted that God could provide for him in the land of promise. So he turned his back on the provision of God for Israel. Years later, Naomi returned to Bethlehem from Moab. Her husband and her two sons had died. All she had to bring back with her was her daughter-in-law, Ruth. Yet, even in Naomi’s bitterness and sadness, she still retained her faith in the Lord of Hosts. This faith […]