Yearly Archives: 2016

231 posts

Listen To Your Children, Instead Of Yourself!

“Hey mom, Jeremy is upset.” “Okay Sarah, I’ll be right there.” The real story here is what mom is saying to herself. “Here we go again.  Sarah is always making Jeremy upset. I can’t finish anything without somebody having an issue.” “Dad, I’m really sorry I messed up and forgot to cut the grass. I’ll get to it right after lunch. Sorry dad.” “Aaron, when is this pattern going to change? You need to start being responsible. Don’t make promises you can’t keep!” What dad is thinking: “I can’t believe this kid. Always an excuse. At least I didn’t yell at him. I just hope he gets his act together before its too late. I’m getting really tired of this.” […]

Tired Of Parenting?

Parenting is a challenging task — at times even overwhelming. There are countless remedies offered from every corner to make parenting easier and less stressful. Yet despite all the advice and devices, at the end of the day, parents are tired and weary. Weary not only because of the trials of the day just finished, but also weary because tomorrow is just a few hours away. In this in-between time, the tiredness often reaches its peak. The free advice and stress-reducing gadgets offer little consolation. Even Bible verses may seem disconnected from the pressures of getting ready for tomorrow. Perhaps the most discouraging realization is knowing that in the morning you will wake up as weary as you are now. […]

A Red City Gone Bad

Laodicea would have been classified as “red” city if it were around today. The city was a prosperous financial and trade center. It was known for its fine linens. It had a great medical school. It was a city of beauty, and the arts flourished there. In 60 A.D. an earthquake leveled the city. The citizens refused any assistance from the Roman government and rebuilt the city solely with their own funds. Laodicea would certainly make the top ten list of the most desirable places to live and raise a family. After all, a place like Laodicea provided the opportunity for children to become involved in higher education, sports, the arts and community service. Laodicea also had a church.  The […]

Do You Listen Well?

You give your wife flowers and say you love her, but she remains distant. You apologize to your teenager for being angry and tell him you love him, but the barriers are still up. You give your middle-schooler an expensive birthday present with a note that says “I love you”, yet her smile is only half-hearted. Is the answer more flowers, a bigger and better present, a more sincere apology? Probably not. However, there is one thing you can do that will demonstrate the genuineness of your love. You can listen well. When there is an argument it is all too easy to think you know what the other person is thinking even before the first word is spoken. The […]

Prayer Or Silence—A Nation’s Choice

Hurricane Matthew is going to Florida. Millions are evacuating their homes as Hurricane Matthew, predicted to be a category 4 at landfall, advances towards the Florida east coast. The storm is forecast to bring damaging winds and a devastating surge of water all along the Florida, Georgia and South Carolina coasts. Millions more will lose power for days and possibly much longer. Human lives are at stake. Matthew will not be ignored. The President has urged people to take whatever steps are necessary to protect themselves. The governors of Florida and South Carolina have declared a state of emergency and have taken aggressive measures to prepare for Matthew. All of this is good and necessary. But no government leader, so […]

Three Questions

Here are three questions you should ask yourself about your communication with those you love. The way you answer these questions provides insight into the areas where your conversations must grow in depth and in maturity. First question: Do your spouse and your children have confidence that they will be able to say all that is on their heart without fear of your response? Is your family accustomed to being cut off or being corrected before they can finish speaking? Do you interrupt because you think you know what is coming? If this is your pattern you are building relational barriers that are difficult to overcome. Those closest to you need to be able to express what is on their […]

Where Will Matthew Go?

This morning, millions along the southeastern coast of the United States are asking this question, “Where will Matthew go?” Matthew is, of course, the Category 4 Hurricane currently devastating portions of Haiti and Cuba. Even as watches have been posted for the Florida east coast, the question remains — is the path of this storm random, totally subject to shifting patterns of low and high pressure? Are we watching nature roll the dice in a deadly game of chance? This is the view expressed if you watch the unfolding drama displayed on the 24/7 news cycle. Yes, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) provides sophisticated forecasts, but if you listen carefully, sophisticated forecasts means sophisticated guesswork. This is not to fault […]

Asking Too Much From Your Children

Living for your children will ruin your life and theirs. If your hopes and dreams are bound to your children, you will be disappointed, perhaps even bitter. If you expect your children to provide the comfort and support that can only come from God you will be deeply hurt. You will set yourself up to be disappointed and crushed when your family fails you. No spouse, no child can provide comfort that can only be found in God. God will have no other gods before him. Your first loyalty must be to God and God alone. Children who have become the sole objects of their parents’ dreams and aspirations cannot bear that awful weight. This unbalanced child focus is actually […]

People Pleasing—A Fatal Attraction!

Luke recounts a story in Acts about how the early Christians were caring for each other’s needs. He specifically mentions a Cypriot Levite named Joseph who sold a field and brought the money from the sale to the apostles. Joseph was such a blessing that the apostles called him Barnabas, which means son of encouragement. This was a good thing. There was a married couple who apparently observed Barnabas’ good deed and the appreciation he received for it. So they sold some property that they owned. But something happened to these two when they collected the money from the sale. While we can’t be exactly sure of their thoughts, Luke does tell us about the plan that they conceived, a […]

The Illusion Of Safety

Suppose you lived in a war zone. The danger might come from guerrilla warfare, or tribal disputes, or ethnic hatred or prolonged civil war or perhaps the jungle of the inner city. For families living in one of these media-neglected zones, going outside to play can be an act of reckless endangerment. In places like this the instructions you give your children are instructions of life and death. If your kids fail to follow your directions to the letter they may pay with their life. An inviting, innocent looking object lying the ground may be a death trap. Failing to follow the exact path you give them to bring water to your home may result in capture or death. If […]