Monthly Archives: May 2019

13 posts

Teach Your Children to Praise

People are designed to live in continuous praise of the wonder of God. After the fall, man failed to live as he was intended. Instead of praise, self-focus and personal pleasure take center stage. Sin feeds on the desire for immediate pleasure. That is why a child can go from seeming bliss to outrage in an eye blink. One moment everything is fine. Then he sees his brother with a toy that he wants and he immediately erupts with a howl of outrage. Why? Because he doesn’t have what he wants, what he thinks he deserves. God wants his people to live a life of praise. Complaining and grumbling are not compatible with praise. The Bible teaches that God is […]

Churchill and My Dad

My father served in the U.S. Navy in World War II. Winston Churchill served as Prime Minister of Great Britain. My father served in the Pacific Fleet. Great Britain is in the Atlantic. My father earned the respect of the 120 men he led as skipper of his warship. Churchill earned the respect of millions with his brave leadership against the Axis powers. My father admired Churchill. Churchill never knew that my father existed. “So,” you might be asking, “why is this article is titled the way it is?” In the providence of God, Winston Churchill made a decision that impacted my father’s life. Churchill was concerned about how Allied Forces could successfully invade European beaches and drive out a […]

Do You Remember?

Do you remember so many who have died and been shattered by war so that you can live and worship in freedom? Do you remember that all of your stuff, all of your possessions cannot give life or lasting joy? Do you remember that you are not your own, but that you were bought with a price? Do you remember that you are here to live for God and to die to yourself? Do you remember the greatest Warrior who lived?  Do you remember that this same Warrior gave his life so that untold multitudes would find life? Do you remember that this same Warrior has taken away the sting of death? Do you remember Jesus? I saw heaven standing […]

God Is Not Optional

Humans have somehow gotten the idea that God is optional.  We have come to think that God is a choice, that we can take him or leave him as we think best. But the universe doesn’t work that way. Everything was formed at the command of God and designed to function as he determined, people included. As Paul told the leading thinkers of the Greek-Roman world, everyone depends on God for everything, including their next breath. People think God can be picked up or discarded as we choose. If you had the power to make that choice, you would be God!  We exist at God’s command, to function how he designed. God is the ruler all that we see. Our […]

In the Presence of My Enemies 

Psalm 23 ends with God stating what is always true. A feast is always available for the sheep of God’s pasture. This psalm reminds us that no matter what our circumstances appear to be, the good Shepherd is always caring for his sheep.   What does this mean when you inhabit the dark valleys of life?  The human heart is capable of journeys immeasurable delight and equally immeasurable despair. David, the shepherd, the king, the father, the sinner knew these highs and lows. He danced with joy and he wept bitter tears of loss. He won conquests against overwhelming odds. However, he, like us, often lost his battles with his flesh. As this psalm says, David knew the peace of […]

From the Archive: Helping a Grumpy Eight-Year-Old

Eight-year-old Ryan is having a hard day. Several things he has wanted to do haven’t happened. Now a thunderstorm has wiped out playing with his friends outside. He feels he has every justification to be grumpy. Then Mom says this: “Ryan, I need your help right now in getting ready for company tonight. Would you watch your sisters for me?” “Mom! This isn’t fair. All day things have not been fair. And now you want me to watch Sarah and Michelle?  Can’t I have a break?” Mom realizes Ryan is struggling. So, instead of forcing the issue in a way that would certainly lead to discipline, she takes a minute and calls Ryan over to the couch to sit with […]

Strength in the Valley of Anxiety

The middle portion of Psalm 23 begins with a commitment to renew your strength and to lead you along paths that are true. These comforting assurances are exactly what is needed to walk through the dark valleys of life. David understood well how dark these valleys can be. His song is filled with the emotions of loss, betrayal, grief, guilt, and sadness. He knew intimately the depth of despair that inhabits these valleys.   Remember that David’s own sons attempted to take away his kingdom. One wanted to kill him. David knew loneliness and betrayal. He often had good reason for fear for his life and safety. Yet in the face of these anxiety-laden circumstances, he drew comfort that the […]

Peace In the Mess of Life

The twenty-third psalm is often read at funerals to give hope and comfort for mourners. However, the psalm has a powerful message for life. It is a message that will center you on God’s care. The psalm looks at life from God’s perspective.  Here are the first two verses: The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. These words are from David. If you think about his life it was not one of idyllic peace that these words describe. David’s life was filled with the ugliness of sin, both his own and the sins of others. David was constantly surrounded by betrayal, bitterness, violence, […]

Aggravating People

When was the last time you encountered an aggravating person? It is possible it was only a few minutes ago!  The truth is, you should not be surprised when people are aggravating. God wants you to be prepared for aggravation. It is time to stop being shocked that people sin or see things differently than you do.  Isn’t that negative thinking? No, it is just realistic thinking. The Holy Spirit tells you to be ready to deal with people who are aggravating and irritating. Being prepared can turn potentially negative situations into positive ones. Here are four passages that will help you to be a blessing to aggravating people: Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another […]

The Unique Gift of Joy

God provides his people with unique gifts that make life special. One of those gifts is joy. Only the work of the Holy Spirit can bring the wonder and endurance of joy to the human experience. Joy is the fruit of his Spirit given to you by virtue of your new birth in Christ.  The world around you knows a sense of joy because of the beauty and wonder of God’s creation. (Acts 14:17) However, the fullness of joy is found only in the wonder of Christ. Because true joy is the fruit of Spirit it touches every part of your life. Whether in happy times or sad, in times of plenty or want, the joy of the Holy Spirit […]