Corporate worship is a collective experience where people sing praises to God, listen to his word and pray together as a body whose only hope is the redemptive grace of God. But there is another aspect to corporate worship, an individual dimension. While we can pray, sing, give and listen together, only each of us as individuals can seek the face of God in repentance. I can’t repent for your sin and you can’t repent for mine. Blame shifting makes for a weak church and insincere worship.
When you come face to face with the God you worship, you can’t shift the responsibility of your sin to the person sitting next to you or to your spouse or your off-the-wall boss. For your worship to be sincere and pleasing to God, your heart must be broken for your sin and not the sins done to you. David realized this as wrote Psalm 51. He knew the bottom line. It was against God, and God alone that he had sinned.
Likewise, when you go to worship focus on your sins against God. He is the only one that can heal your troubled heart. He is the only one who can take away your sin.
For I know my transgressions,
and my sin is always before me.
Against you, you only, have I sinned
and done what is evil in your sight;
Psalm 51:3-4a