Thanks to the Biblical Counseling Coalition for this review of When Disability Hits Home. Excerpt:
“Paul Tautges did not intend to write a book on disability until a fateful trip to the Gospel Coalition national conference in April 2011. It was there that Paul met another father of multiple children with disabilities, John Knight of Desiring God ministries. Tautges is the father of ten kids, four of whom are affected by congenital hearing impairment, one of whom also has cognitive disabilities and autism. Tautges once experienced the deep pain of knowing that due to her deafness, his daughter had never processed his tender attempts to tell her that he loved her. After a few hours of kindred conversation, Knight asked Tautges point-blank about writing a book on disability. When Disability Hits Home is the fruit of that conversation, many challenging days of parentings, and many years of preaching and teaching his church about the God who is present and near to the disabled.
“In this book, Tautges seeks to minister to families who have been touched by disability. The strength of this book rests in the fact that Tautges does not back down from the challenging questions surrounding disability—specifically the issues of God’s providence and purposes for such immense suffering and difficultly in life. Early in the work, Tautges goes straight to the heart of his counsel for those whose lives have been impacted by disability—we must believe that what God’s Word says is true.”
Read the rest at the BCC website.