If you’ve never had a panic attack, it can be challenging to understand the experience. Maybe that’s because to the casual observer, they appear entirely unreasonable and unnecessary—why “freak out” when there seems to be no real or present danger? Yet, to those suffering from terrifying bouts of paralyzing fear, the experience feels more like a curse than a choice, more like a heavily-fortified prison to escape than a simple equation to solve.
Book Reviews
Thanks to Nate Brooks at the Biblical Counseling Coalition for this review of Christine Chappell’s Help! I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder. “Christine Chappell’s Help! I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder addresses a topic that is inescapably personal. Mental disorders are not an “out there” topic, distant from people’s lives, but an “in here” topic that is woven through a person’s own perception of reality. Whatever we may think of the term “mental disorder,” we must first start by recognizing that it speaks to a person’s experience of themselves and others and that deep suffering is taking place.” “Help! I’ve Been Diagnosed with a Mental Disorder is a small little book, but it’s packed with hope. Chappell is […]
Thanks to the Biblical Counseling Coalition for this review of When Disability Hits Home. Excerpt: “Paul Tautges did not intend to write a book on disability until a fateful trip to the Gospel Coalition national conference in April 2011. It was there that Paul met another father of multiple children with disabilities, John Knight of Desiring God ministries. Tautges is the father of ten kids, four of whom are affected by congenital hearing impairment, one of whom also has cognitive disabilities and autism. Tautges once experienced the deep pain of knowing that due to her deafness, his daughter had never processed his tender attempts to tell her that he loved her. After a few hours of kindred conversation, Knight asked […]
Thanks to Sue Nicewander Delaney and the Biblical Counseling Coalition for this positive review of 31 Ways to be a “One-Another” Christian. “Rich with Scripture verses and biblical examples, the authors’ clear, gentle but poignant style and powerful use of the Word make this a convicting read. Every believer can point to both failed and successful personal relationships. Sometimes our interactions are full of joy, but others may prove to be so difficult that the wisest route seems unclear. The authors’ skillful construction of application questions can serve as a laser that surgically reveals personal responsibility. Scott and Jin urge readers to engage according to the example of Jesus Christ, who clarifies and refines our motives as He leads us. […]