
252 posts

Rebuilding the Tower of Babel

Elements of America’s judiciary have chosen to rebuild the Tower of Babel. But this time, words, not brick and mortar, are the construction materials.  The Tower of Babel defied the mandate of the living God. God commanded that man should occupy the earth  and have dominion over it (Genesis 1:26-28). However, some of Noah’s descendants decided they didn’t like the idea that they should spread out over all the earth at God’s command.  Rather, they wanted to make a name for themselves, thus rejecting the Name of their Creator. Their thinking was that if they banded together and built a city with a tower that would reach to the heavens, they could avoid being dispersed and build a center of […]

The Holiest Day of the Year

The Super Bowl is a major cultural event. Today’s post contains thoughts about this year’s game. I’ll also include links to previous posts about this game. It is important to think biblically about this highly visible part of our culture. Take a look at this post and the previous ones and let us know your thoughts! The Super Bowl and Proverbs 4:23 part 1 & part 2 The Super Bowl and Your Heart’s Orientation Greg Doyle is a writer for CBS Sports. He is a good sports reporter and I enjoy his work. I also believe that he represents what many think about the role of sports in our culture. As you may know, Tim Tebow and his mother are […]

Marriage and the State

Thanks again to Jacob for his comment and question about marriage. Jacob begins by asking this question: What I haven’t been able to wrap my mind around is how “A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife” has been accepted in Christian circles as meaning a legal union recognized by the state, stamped on paper, with all the benefits that the government can throw at you for being married. To answer this question it is important to understand our social history in chronological order. It is possible to look at our country and culture today and conclude that the church is seeking validation from the state with regard to marriage. But time and the decreasing […]

Marriage – Why is it Binding?

Jacob raises an important question in his comments about “What is a Marriage?” His asks what is the appropriate role of the state, if any, in determining what makes a marriage binding. He is asking, in effect, do Christians need the state to validate marriage? His unedited comments are posted below. This is the sort of question for which Christians, particularly Christian parents, must have clear, direct answers. Thanks to Jacob for asking this probing question. What is the biblical answer? How would you answer this question for your children? Give it some thought. I will post my response tomorrow.

Parenting, Ideology & Stem Cells

This past Monday, March 9, 2009, President Obama reversed George W. Bush’s executive order regarding human embryonic stem cell research. In supporting his decision President Obama used extraordinary reasoning. He stated that scientific decisions should be based upon facts, not ideology. The President’s new executive order will have a major impact on your parenting. What does this have to do with parenting? That’s the critical question, but we need a little more information before giving the answer. First, here is the President’s quote in context:  "Our government has forced what I believe is a false choice between sound science and moral values," Obama declared, as he signed documents changing U.S. science policy and removing what some researchers have said were […]

Need a Bailout?

These days everyone is talking about bailouts. Whether on the economic or social front, things seem to be falling apart. Whether you are catching the headlines on Drudge, or the details on Fox News, or USA Today, the message is all the same. There is no way out without a bailout. As you watch, read or listen to the experts in these amazing times, the most important factor is always missing from the analysis and reporting. Talk show monologues, no-spin comments, and the latest from the financial markets—all have a message of catastrophe. But no one talks about the One who controls it all. While man panics, God works his plan. There is a message to be heeded in these […]

Wisdom and Gaming

As we conclude this series on gaming, there is one more question that remains: Can Christians engage in gaming with a good conscience? The answer, I believe, is yes, given a significant qualifier:  This pursuit must be done with biblical wisdom. Wisdom is the skill that comes from a deep passionate love of God’s truth. You may have been born with intelligence, precocity, and a good memory, but with regard to wisdom, you were born a fool. Wisdom is a skill that may only be acquired through great energy and faith. Protection from the allure of gaming comes from a vigorous pursuit of wisdom. Take a moment to read Proverbs 1:30-2:6. 30 since they would not accept my advice        […]

Gaming: The Alternative (part 2)

Here is brief summary of the posts on gaming to date. There are at least two defining biblical principles that can be applied to gaming: 1.  Gaming must not detract from a biblically productive life. 2.  Gaming, if it is to be done, must proceed from faith. Proverbs 12:11 demonstrates that electronic gaming can definitely lead to a lack of productivity. ("11 He who works his land will have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment." niv) The next issue, then, is to understand what drives the desire for gaming. This was examined in the post on gaming and pursuit. Finally, in the last post, we began to look at how to offer a biblical alternative. We’ll pick […]

Gaming: The Pursuit

In the last post on gaming we looked at the difference between the pursuit of productivity and the pursuit of fantasy. The operative word here is pursuit. Proverbs 12:11 contrasts someone who productively works his land with someone who chases or pursues empty fantasies. Both individuals are in active pursuit of a goal. Sometimes the one chasing fantasies becomes obsessed with his pursuit, even though it is meaningless. This is true of hard-core gamers. Everything else in life becomes secondary—the game is the thing. While your children may not be at the level of the seriously hard-core, it is not difficult to see when the games pull them toward obsession. You may think to yourself, what is the big deal, […]

Gaming & Chasing Fantasies

He who works his land will have abundant food,   but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment. Proverbs 12:11 Let's look first at how gaming can detract from a productive life. As we do, consider this:  to the extent that gaming detracts from or lessens being productive, to that extent it must be avoided. Tremper Longman’s commentary on this Proverb captures the essence of the problem. Longman translates the phrase "…he who chases fantasies lacks judgment." with the phrase "…he who pursues emptiness lacks heart."   …The emphasis here is not so much on lack of exertion, but rather that energy is misdirected.He goes on to say that what is pursued in this situation lacks substance.  (Longman, 274) In his […]