
350 posts

Change and Hope

Another election is over.  More change is on the way. But what about hope?  Will the changes brought about by this mid-term election bring hope?  For many, the answer to this question is, “Well, we hope so.”  In this sense, yesterday’s election is like every other election.  Political change creates hope, but it seldom delivers satisfying change.  Not unexpectedly, the aftermath of the 2010 elections offers as much uncertainty as it does hope.  One reason for this is that political hope is based upon the ability of people to deliver on promises that are impossible for them to fulfill.  Hope in the wisdom and plans of men in a fallen world will always disappoint. True hope only comes from the […]

The Gospel and the Election

For Christians, tomorrow’s elections are about the gospel. Yes, I know about the separation of church and state. Yes, I am aware that no one is running on a gospel platform. I also know that there are no national polls being done on the relevance of the gospel message to the issues of this campaign. To my knowledge, there are no state referendums on the ballot as to whether the gospel should be believed or not.  But I am still confident that this campaign is about the gospel. You see, after tomorrow, the balance of power in the U.S. Congress will be different than it is today. But this election will not change the condition of men’s hearts.

One Day, Two Celebrations

Halloween is an enigma. It is a time of costumes and mystery, of parties and fun, of tricks and treats. This is the American cultural Halloween of retail sales and seasonal advertizing themes.  There is also another side to Halloween. This is the Halloween of movies and novels, the occult and ritual; the world of the real dark Lord. This is the Halloween marked not by cute children asking for a treat, but by fear and terror.  But even this dark side of Halloween has an appealing aspect for some—the adrenalin rush produced by shocking scenes that provoke fear.

Families on the Move

In 1908 Henry Ford began to mass produce the Model T Ford.  For the first time, powered transportation became an option for everyday life. At first, the lifestyle changes for the general public were small. But in the 100 years that have passed since the Model T began production it is now difficult to imagine life without “wheels”.  Whether the destination is across town or across the state, we have only to find the keys and go.  The reality of quick, convenient travel has become part of our culture.

The Power of the Gospel – Listening Well

Listening is a skill of wisdom that can only be acquired by a heart that has been changed by the gospel.  Your listening, to be effective, must be gospel-centered.  I’m sure someone is asking, “What in the world  is gospel-centered listening ?”  It is listening to others with the heart attitude of seeking to understand what they are saying so that you can respond to them in a manner that honors Christ. There are two sides to serving others in this way:  first, you must listen well, and second, you must speak well. Proverbs 18:2, 13, 15, & 17 address listening, and Ephesians 4:29 addresses speaking.

A Psalm of the Gospel

Psalm 130 is a song of ascents. This means that the Israelites sang this psalm as they traveled to Jerusalem for one of the three annual sacred assemblies. The 3rd and 4th verses of this psalm contain the essence of the gospel. 3 If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? 4 But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared. The psalmist acknowledges that no one can stand before God apart from his mercy. Then, he reminds us that there is forgiveness with God. This wonderful truth blows the psalmist away, so his response to the blessed forgiveness of God is a holy and awed fear. As you head for church each […]

Who Had it First?

Two children plus one favorite toy on equals trouble.  No, this is not the beginning of new math word problem. But it is a scenario that leads to disruptions in families every day. Two children each want the same toy.  In this case, this toy was a recent gift from Grandma. On this particular morning, Andrew is the first one to claim possession.  Lydia knows this means that she will not be able to play with this toy for at least several hundred years. So Lydia, with tears welling up in her eyes, goes off to find Mom to inform her of this great injustice.

The Gospel Matters to Your Teenager

The teen years are challenging. This statement isn’t startling to you, is it? (If it is, just by any teenager and/or their parents.) For example, if an unexplained mishap occurs in the home and  teenagers are present, which of the following three individuals would be the most likely to suspect as the culprit: a – the teenager; b – the teenager; or c- the teenager? In all seriousness, being a teenager in a Christian home can be difficult.

The Gospel Matters for Your Eight-Year-Old

Your eight-year-old hears things. Your son hears wild stories. Your daughter sees the constant allure of commercials.  He hears the taunts of the schoolyard. She feels an inner dread growing out of her many fears. How do you help your eight-year-old child with such difficult issues? What is needed most is the news of the gospel; specifically, the good news of the grace of God.  The word gospel means “good news.”  Matthew speaks of the Jesus proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom. That is, the good news of the kingdom where Jesus is King. This good news means that people can be rescued from darkness. Your eight-year-old already knows something of this darkness.  He knows the darkness personally from the […]

Christ’s example to Parents

Parents often try to defend their childrearing deficiencies by protesting that their situations are unusually difficult or stressful. Parents, I believe you can relate to what I am saying. When you snap at the children, it is because “things are difficult at work.” When you don’t have time to play with them, it is because you are worried about the bills and trying to sort out your financial difficulties. When you are irritated with them instead of patiently instructing them in God’s ways, it is because of relational pressures in your marriage that they just can’t understand. These are the kinds of “understandable” myths we tell ourselves to avoid our obligation to trust Christ in our parenting. The attractive route […]