
159 posts

Melting away Critical Thinking by Ginger Hubbard

Humans by nature have a tendency to spiritually judge situations according to the way they feel to us. If something feels bad, we tend to adopt a critical attitude and point fingers at Satan. If something feels good, we praise God for the great thing he has done. Rather than arguing over who caused what to happen, it is better to focus on which perspective or lens we will view it through—the eternal or the temporal. Through the eternal lens we are reminded that “in all things [good and bad] God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28). I’m not saying that there isn’t a Devil or that […]

Humility: something we are born to hate

People don’t like humility, we hate it. The biblical concept of humility is one of helplessness, being in total dependence upon someone else. Even as I write these words, I can hear someone saying, “that’s not true! People accomplish all kinds of things everyday without help from other people.” Well, that may possibly be true with regard to other humans. But no one accomplishes anything apart from the express will and plan of God. We seldom think of God with that amount of reach and power into our personal lives. However, James gets it right when he says: Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on […]

Interview with Ginger Hubbard, Part 2

Recently, I had the opportunity to interview Ginger Hubbard about her new book, Guiltless Living. Ginger shows  the courage of her faith as she is open about her walk with God. Her story will encourage women who want to live for Christ. Here is the second part of the interview. Q: Does guiltless living mean that we don’t engage in sin? A: Whether we admit it or not, we are all serial sinners. We are told in Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” As sinners, we simply aren’t capable of keeping the commands of God. Does this mean we should throw up our hands in defeat and accept that we will always […]

Interview with Ginger Hubbard about Guiltless Living, Part 1

Recently, I had the opportunity to interview Ginger Hubbard about her new book, Guiltless Living.  Ginger shows  the courage of her faith as she is open about her walk with God. Her story will encourage women who want to live for Christ.  Click on the cover image above to pre-order the book at a 50% discount. Here is part one of the interview:   Q: Why were you compelled to write this book?  A: For most of my life, I struggled with trying to be a good Christian and then would feel defeated and depressed when I blew it. After much prayer and studying Scripture, God began to show me that there is no power in my own attempts to […]

How hard would it be if your child always obeyed?

Parent, how hard would it be for you to have a son who always did what you asked him to? Even as a teenager he would have a reputation as a fine, moral young man. He would be respectful to you, his parents. He would make wise use of his time. Everyone would compliment you on your obedient son. They would wish their children were just as obedient. How hard would it be? Are you starting to fantasize about how great this would be and how much easier your life would be?   There is a danger here. Do you see it?    Yes, a son or daughter who always obeyed would appear to be ideal. In Matthew 19 we […]

To Sleep, To Dream: Sleep Disordered Breathing & Psychotic Disorders

by Dr. Charles Hodges, Author of Good Mood Bad Mood It is not uncommon today to have patients come to the office with several diagnoses from several physicians. It is just as common for them to be taking several medications prescribed by different providers who do not always know what the other doctor is doing. And, at times it is up to me to help them sort it out as their family physician. I have seen several people who have come to me being treated for adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder who were being treated for obstructive sleep apnea at the same time. Almost always the symptoms of ADHD predate the discovery of the obstructive sleep apnea. Generally neither the sleep […]

Is God for real?

Non-Christians ask questions about God and reality all the time. But when Christians functionally doubt God’s word, in a way, we too question God. If we do this in front of our children, then we pass doubt about God’s reality on to our children. Next question, how does this happen? One way it happens is when we doubt God’s commands. For example, Paul gives the Philippians a clear straightforward command: Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation…” Philippians 2:14-15 Sounds easy enough – do everything without grumbling or arguing. Parents tell their children they should not argue or complain because the Bible says […]

Justice and your children

Children are born with a sharply defined sense of justice. The problem comes when justice is deployed as a weapon of self-defense. As in – “I hit her because she hit me first.”  “I took the toy because he had it all morning.”  Yes, justice. Our kids can be all about justice applied to others, but not so much for themselves. If left unchecked the quest for personal justice can ultimately lead to destruction. Feelings that one has been wronged can lead to heart-patterns of vengeance and self-pity. The personal quest for justice blinds your children from seeing their own sin, therefore, from seeing their need for Christ.  The truth is that all of us, including our children, are guilty […]

Raising holy children

A good friend asks you what is your goal for raising your children. You reply, “I want to raise children that are holy.” Your friend looks at you sadly and says, “how boring is that!” Boring. This is the way the enemy of your soul wants holiness to be understood – as drab, boring, and uneventful. Our culture has bought into this lie as well. However, being holy is anything but uneventful. Being holy means to actively pursue a relationship with the most powerful being in the universe. Being holy requires boldness, courage, and a sense of adventure. Being holy means to be love power over weakness. Being holy means to be live in a way that changes lives and […]

Gospel driven schoolwork

What is there about schoolwork that should point to the gospel? First and foremost, it is God who assigned the schoolwork. God orders all things and determines all earthly authorities, including teachers (Colossians:15-20; Romans 8:28). Schoolwork, no matter how random, tedious or difficult it might appear to be, is ultimately directed by God in his wise providence. One of the purposes of all the work that we have to do is to drive us to Christ and his gospel (Col. 3:17). In order to encourage your children to trust God, you must first encourage them with the gospel message of grace. Their schoolwork is sent to them by God. Schoolwork is a wonderful opportunity to teach your kids how God is […]