
270 posts

God’s Message In the Snow For Washington, D.C.

For years the government leaders in Washington, D.C. have passed laws, written executive orders and made legal judgments without regard to God and his laws. These leaders have gone so far as to say it is illegal and unconstitutional to obey God in many areas of life. Because these same leaders have chosen to ignore the teaching of Scripture they fail to heed God’s direct word to them. For example, tonight a massive snow storm has totally shut down the nation’s capitol. This is seen as an inconvenience and will bring calls for more efficient warnings and snow removal. But the most important message, God’s message, will be dismissed by politicians and the media. The Holy Spirit in the book […]

Power and Wisdom

In the context of our various trials we need wisdom to know how to function in those trials and circumstances; it is available from a giving God, and we are to ask for it (James 1:5). Our need is no different from Israel’s. We need not only the power of God to overwhelm our obvious enemies but also the wisdom of God to detect our subtle enemies. Unfortunately, the church too often craves God’s power while it ignores God’s wisdom. Dale Ralph Davis    

Flat Tires

Flat tires appear to offer little evidence of God’s love and care. But that is just unbelief spinning events in way that seeks to discredit God’s providential care. Yes, a flat tire is an inconvenient addition to an already busy day. But that is just from your perspective. Suppose you knew that having a flat tire would mean that you avoided a situation that would have resulted in harm to you or your family that otherwise would have occurred if you had been on schedule. From this vantage point the flat tire that was a curse now becomes a blessing! The point is that we don’t know what would have happened if…  We are just left to believe that God […]

Being defensive is stupid!

I don’t like correction. There I said it. I like to be right. More importantly, I like it even more when you think I am right. By openly admitting these things I have also shown a propensity for stupidity. This is but another reminder of the danger of being wise in my own eyes. If I care most about being right, I care most about myself. This is not wisdom but stupidity. If I am to learn, I must first love discipline and rebuke. When I recoil at the correction and rebuke of those closest to me, I make myself weak. Instead of trying to find a way to challenge a rebuke, God wants me to first learn from that […]

Why do you fight with your teenager?

Why do you fight with your teenager? The answer is obvious, right? If your teenager was more respectful, if he would just do half of the things you asked, if she would actually listen, if you mattered half as much as the phone…? Of course there are some things that you need to work on, but the bottom line is your teenager specializes in making life difficult, right??? The problem with this scenario is that this parent is acting like her teenager is in control. Everything is dependent upon the teenager doing what is wanted or expected. The parent’s action is controlled by what the teenager does instead of what God commands. Really? Yes, really. James says that fights and […]

Friend or not – how to tell

How can you know if someone is your friend? This is a crucial life skill that you and your children must master.  Failure to discern who is a genuine friend leads to being manipulated and used. This may result in bitterness and a crippling inability to trust others. God has provided tools in Scripture so that you can recognize genuine friendship. Becoming intimately familiar with passages that teach what friendship in action looks like is a way to start. I Corinthians 13:4-7 is such a passage. Another place to look is in the Proverbs. Most Proverbs should not be read as commands but as reliable observations about life.  For example look at Proverbs 12:18: “The words of the reckless pierce […]

Comfort in the face of fear

Paris: cafes, a concert, a football match, shots, explosions, non-stop media, equals terror. Now exchange the name of your city for Paris. Suddenly terror becomes personal. The Holy Spirit authored Scripture knowing exactly what fears you would face this night. The face of terror is ugly and unnerving. Cafes, concerts and sporting events are common experiences that we share with the people of Paris. Our prayers unite with those coming from Paris. We could just as easily share their terror as well. But God speaks to us in his word, bringing comfort in the face of fear. He knew that there would be people who claim that our God cannot save us. Terrorist attacks or not, our God is our […]

Joseph had the means and opportunity

When young Joseph was confronted with a willing and eager temptress, he had the means and the opportunity to sin, but not the motivation. His love of God and his honor protected hm. The love of God and his word planted deeply in the heart is only protection that can be fully trusted to yield godly motivation! Teenagers face powerful temptations.  Parents want to make sure that consequences are in place to help protect their children. It is good to put deterrents in place for behavior that is unacceptable and sinful. But, for your teenager, it comes down to that moment of decision; will the consequence make a difference? For example, Kevin, a young teenage boy has an opportunity to […]

The narrow road to worship

Jesus directed his followers to pursue him through the narrow gate. The narrow gate opens to a narrow road that leads to life. The narrow gate is not as appealing as the wide gate. The wide gate is the gate that accommodates the crowd. It is the one that offers enticement and intrigue. There are many objects worthy of your worship. Enjoy as many as you can. The wide gate boldly flies its banner: You only go around once! The narrow gate leads to truth. Instead of a multitude of things to worship, there is only one Who is worthy.  Not surprisingly, few desire such a restriction. Worshiping one God to the exclusion of all others is too narrow, too […]

Life’s Storms

You cannot measure the faithfulness of God by the intensity of the life’s storms. Christ’s last words in the Sermon on the Mount talk about the storms of life. The final four verses (Matthew 7:24-27) teach that these storms will be powerful and that they cannot be avoided. So, the question is not can I avoid the storm, but how can I remain secure when the storm strikes. This much is certain, the storms will come. Jesus is talking about more than physical dwellings. He is talking about your life. The same things – the rains, the rising streams, the winds will attack each house. Don’t be fooled. The security of the house rests not upon the elaborateness and beauty […]