World View

68 posts

The Fork In the Road

Each day you have a choice. You can follow the path of death or follow the path of life. Sound dramatic? Actually, no, it is just reality. The whirlpool of death swirls all around you. It is easy to be confused into thinking that it is just the hectic pace of life that keeps you feeling unsatisfied. “I’ll figure it out tomorrow.” But tomorrow turns out to be just like today, and so it goes. Choosing to consciously identify with God is choosing life. Moses told Israel that each day they must love their God, listen to his voice and hold on tight to him: “Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love […]

Rejoice In Judgment!

To rejoice in judgment seems a strange idea. Normally judgment carries the idea of revenge or retribution for evil. For those who have done wrong judgment is something to fear. And as we examine our own hearts, even though we may attempt to avoid the thought, we know judgment is coming. Then as we look around our neighborhoods, our cities, our country, our world what is good is overshadowed by what is evil. Even the creation itself suffers under godless disregard for the treasure that it is. Judgment is inevitable. So, again, why rejoice in judgement? If you or I were to judge, there would be no reason to rejoice. If the judicial system in our country were the ultimate […]

Does the Bible Light Up Your Eyes?

This past week, Cubs fans across the country were aglow with joy over the World Series victory. There was light in their eyes! How many things bring light to your eyes? One of those things should be the Bible, specifically the commands of the Bible. The psalmist describes it this way: The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. Psalm 19:8 This is stunning – God’s commands bringing joy to the heart and light to the eyes. Is this your experience? Are God’s commands radiant to you? This week there was no difficulty in identifying “Cubbies”, they were easy to spot. But finding people […]

Next Week God Will Raise Up a New President

After all the maneuvers, plots, polls and intrigue, next week God will raise up his choice to be president. Daniel 2:20-21 and Colossians 1:15-20 make this much clear. You will then be commanded by the Holy Spirit to be in thankful prayer for his choice whether you voted for the winner or not. God has work for his people to do. Because he is the one raises up and disposes human leaders as he pleases there is nothing that will be happen in this election that will prevent you from following Christ. Your job remains the same: be a light for the gospel! If you want to have a positive impact on the next election, begin to live out the […]

What Does Monday Mean To You?

What does Monday mean to you? Do you look forward to this new week? Or, perhaps, are you wondering if this week will be as overwhelming as last week? Or maybe you think this will be just another week—nothing special or worrisome to look forward to—just another week. God has given you this new week to do things for him. First and foremost it is God’s week, not your week. Acts 17:26-28 tells you that God has determined that where you are now, on this Monday, is exactly where he wants you to be. He has placed you where you are so that you would reach out and seek him. In addition to having you right where he wants you, […]

What Is Love?

“Love is giving willingly of whatever I have to meet someone’s need.” I can almost hear someone reacting, “Wait a minute! That might be a partial definition of love. But what about the deep feelings, the driving emotional mood that is also supposed to accompany love. This definition leaves that part out.” There is an unspoken expectation that is associated with love. This human assumption is that when you love there are huge emotional benefits that make love something good for you. When you say you love someone, your natural self is expecting good things to happen to you because of your “love”. Imagine Christmases, anniversaries, Valentine’s Days where you were the only one doing the sacrificial giving . You […]

Who Is In Control?

Life is about control. Specifically, who is in control. It starts at birth. Babies naturally want to be fed, dry and know comfort. When one of these conditions is not met, who is in control becomes an issue. Later on there is a toy that is appealing, someone’s attention that is desired, and yes, feelings of hunger still matter. Teenagers want control of their time, of how they are perceived, and the lives of those they may be attracted to. Adults want control of outcomes: things like income, relationships, personal appearance, political elections. And as age moves on the focus shifts to more immediate issues — how much longer will I live. In the end, it comes full circle; once […]

Prayer Or Silence—A Nation’s Choice

Hurricane Matthew is going to Florida. Millions are evacuating their homes as Hurricane Matthew, predicted to be a category 4 at landfall, advances towards the Florida east coast. The storm is forecast to bring damaging winds and a devastating surge of water all along the Florida, Georgia and South Carolina coasts. Millions more will lose power for days and possibly much longer. Human lives are at stake. Matthew will not be ignored. The President has urged people to take whatever steps are necessary to protect themselves. The governors of Florida and South Carolina have declared a state of emergency and have taken aggressive measures to prepare for Matthew. All of this is good and necessary. But no government leader, so […]

Where Will Matthew Go?

This morning, millions along the southeastern coast of the United States are asking this question, “Where will Matthew go?” Matthew is, of course, the Category 4 Hurricane currently devastating portions of Haiti and Cuba. Even as watches have been posted for the Florida east coast, the question remains — is the path of this storm random, totally subject to shifting patterns of low and high pressure? Are we watching nature roll the dice in a deadly game of chance? This is the view expressed if you watch the unfolding drama displayed on the 24/7 news cycle. Yes, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) provides sophisticated forecasts, but if you listen carefully, sophisticated forecasts means sophisticated guesswork. This is not to fault […]

The Illusion Of Safety

Suppose you lived in a war zone. The danger might come from guerrilla warfare, or tribal disputes, or ethnic hatred or prolonged civil war or perhaps the jungle of the inner city. For families living in one of these media-neglected zones, going outside to play can be an act of reckless endangerment. In places like this the instructions you give your children are instructions of life and death. If your kids fail to follow your directions to the letter they may pay with their life. An inviting, innocent looking object lying the ground may be a death trap. Failing to follow the exact path you give them to bring water to your home may result in capture or death. If […]