
159 posts

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Suppose Suppose things were very much different. Suppose there was no electricity, no running water in your home, no gas for your car, no food in the grocery store. Suppose all this were true and more. Spend a little time thinking through these scenarios. They are all plausible outcomes given the right circumstances. But even if all of this happened, God would still be God. We would have to acknowledge that whatever happened was necessary to bring honor and glory to God. Suppose all of this was true. Would your worship be any different?  But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord [ad]God my refuge, That I may tell of all Your […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Don’t even think about hiding. Corporate worship is a time when we put our best foot forward. We want to worship well, listen well, encourage well. Another reason for having others think the best is that we are hurting and want to deflect any questions about our struggles. We are worshipping the one who knows us for what we are. I must not attempt to hide my heart from God. I may be able to come up with reasons to withhold from people, but never from God! If I am in the hiding business then I cannot be in the worship business. Attempting to hold back from God is lying to God. God knows everything there is to know about […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Worship – it is not your idea If God did not command us to worship him we would not worship him. But it goes deeper than that. Mankind was designed to worship. From the beginning man was to subdue the earth and occupy it for God’s glory. Worship is built into us as creatures. We can’t help but worship. So, there really is no way worship can be credited to us. Since the fall, we must be careful what we worship. Sin deceives us and entices us to worship anyone or anything but God. Worship is all around us. People, worship false gods, idols, other people, musicians, sports starts, prized possessions, even themselves. Some go so far as to worship […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Worship is not about how you feel Worship is about God, the unique ruler of heaven and earth. Biblical worship is a response to greatness. When confronted with the living God, Isaiah’s response is one of being undone, of being afraid. John says in Revelation that when he saw the living Christ he fell at his feet like a dead man. These men weren’t concerned about how they felt. They were blown away by the person of God! Yes, it is good to sing, to rejoice, to pray, to feast on the word of the Spirit. But these good activities must first be a response to the greatness of God. Feelings come later. Don’t evaluate your worship on whether or […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Without eternity your worship makes no sense. As you worship this Lord’s Day how much of your focus is about things not being right in  your world? Yes, this is an important consideration. But if you can’t factor in eternity and have it dramatically change your perspective, you fail to grasp the wonder of the cross. In other words, if you are not able to make eternity the focal point of your worship, your worship is without hope, meaning and power! Here is a quote from Paul Tripp’s book, Forever. It helps to place eternity in its proper perspective. This something that I need. It is also something that you and your children need. “Without eternity Christianity makes no sense. […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Conformed or Transformed There should be a level of apprehension when you go to church. Why? Because God’s intention is that meeting him in corporate worship should do something radical in your life. Worship is not meant to be a comfortable experience. Worship, whether corporate or individual, should leave you a changed person. This is what Paul is getting at in Romans 12:2. Conformity with the world, with regard to worship, means that you go to church for the benefit you will receive. Transformation means that you engage in worship anticipating that the way you think and the things that you value will be changed. This is challenging, but not necessarily comfortable. Take some time to ask God to continue […]

Obedience and worship

Obedience is not the pathway to acceptance. Do your children believe this? Biblical obedience is first and foremost an act of worship. As sinners in need of the grace of God we know that we can do nothing to earn our standing with God. Biblically, obedience flows from a heart of love for God. This love is in response to the love of God, who first loved us. Worship is the only attitude of the human heart that is a fitting context for obedience. I cannot use my obedience to plea bargain with God, to appease him, or to make myself worthy in his eyes. Only the work of Christ on my behalf can make things right with God. So […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing.” This Lord’s Day do you find comfort in David’s words? The Holy Spirit did not intend this statement to be a sentimental wall poster. His intention is that God’s people accept this statement at face value. If God is my Shepherd, I lack nothing! Of course, our minds can immediately bolt to many things we think that we lack. But if we to do that, we lose sight of God’s reality. Life on earth is fragile and uncertain. We don’t know if we will live another hour or another half century. We lack nothing in terms of God’s care. The richest treasures of life here cannot begin to compare to the wonder […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Strength when you need it – a prayer for weary fathers: O Jacob, how can you say the Lord does not see your troubles? O Israel, how can you say God ignores your rights? Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak     and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired,     and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

God does not exist for man; man exists for God. We live in perilous times. Modern evangelism has reduced the message and purpose of the gospel. Much of evangelical Christianity is focused on getting people to pray the sinner’s prayer so that they can go to heaven. The heart of the gospel is the glory of God. God is so jealous for his own glory that he sent his Son to redeem broken, sinful, unworthy people (Isa. 42:8). The Son prayed that his followers would see his glory (Jn. 17:24). The glory of God moved his holy heart to choose a people (Rom. 9:23). God extends grace to broken people for his own glory. God is glorified when he is […]