Parenting is exhausting. There are countless remedies offered from every corner to make parenting easier and less stressful. Despite all the advice and strategies, when the day is done, so are many parents . Parents are weary not only because of the trials of the day just finished, but also weary because tomorrow is just a few hours away.
In this in-between time, the tiredness often reaches its peak. The free advice and stress-reducing plans offer little consolation. Even Bible verses may seem disconnected from the pressures of getting ready for tomorrow. Perhaps the most discouraging realization is knowing that in the morning you will wake up as weary as you are now.
Isaiah 55:8 reminds us that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and that his ways are not our ways. Weariness tends to overtake us when we see life’s responsibilities and burdens in abstraction from God’s purposes. When this thinking goes on, the burden of parenting can become overwhelming.
In these moments, the Holy Spirit reminds you that God is at work in the most intimate details of your life. He delights in blessing his children with his strength. For this to occur, you must see that God is the one who has brought you to this point of exhaustion so that you will lean on him and acknowledge him. Christ has these words for the you:
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)
These words are words of hope. Christ is not teasing you with empty promises. He means what he says. Your life and your children are not accidents. He has things to teach you and he has rest to give you. If you are tired and weary, Christ offers rest and encouragement to you.
A prayer for tired parents
Father, you know I am tired beyond words. I pray for your strength. I pray for courage to honor you before my children when I am exhausted. I pray you will help me not to respond in frustration but in belief that I can trust your word. I pray for rest this night that refreshes. Hear me Father, I am weary and burdened. But I know that you hear my prayer for I pray in the name of your precious Son, Jesus. Amen