Humility, how quickly we forget

No one accomplishes anything apart from the express will and plan of God. We seldom think of God having that amount of reach and power into our personal lives. This is why we forget the importance of humility – we think we can take care of ourselves. In reality, such a notion is stupidity in action.

Ruth Younts, in her book, “Get Wisdom!” defines humility this way:
“Humility is knowing that everything good in me comes from God alone, and is not for my benefit first, but serving God and others. I shouldn’t put myself first.”

This is why your children are born hating humility. Their only desire is to put themselves first. This is why adults hate humility. We are prone to think there is a lot about us to like.

But there is a problem with our reasoning. Jesus Christ is the model for humility. Ruth goes on to say, “Jesus humbled himself by becoming a man, born as a baby. Apart from God’s gifts, you are as helpless as a newborn baby. You have nothing to be proud of except God.”

Ouch – as helpless as a newborn.

This is why Paul says that we should consider others better than ourselves. (Phil. 2:3) Notice there is no qualifier for others. This means that among those whom you are to consider better than yourself would be your angry teenagers, your selfish spouse, your unkind boss, your President. Time for another ouch!

If you and I are going to begin to experience the power of God in our lives, embracing humility is where we must start. If we are going to make an impact for good in we must begin with humility.

Ruth offers a prayer for parents to teach to children about humility. It works just as well for you and me. Here it is:
“Father, thank you for Jesus, who humbled himself for sinners like me, when he didn’t have to. Please help me to put others first like Jesus did; so often I put myself first. Help me to be humble instead of proud and to think of others and try to serve them first. In Jesus’ name,
Taken from Get Wisdom!


Get Wisdom

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