This week, the Biblical Counseling Coalition and the Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship have both featured interviews with Nate Brooks & Anna Mondal, authors of the new LifeLine Mini-book Help! Our Sex Life is Troubled by Past Abuse.
Check them out at the links below.
You can buy the mini-book here.
Why we wrote Help! Our Sex Life is Troubled by Past Abuse
Nate Brooks:
I want readers of this book to know that they are not alone, that their struggle is not a “weird” one, and that the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and its implications offer them hope in the midst of sexual struggles due to past abuse. Sexual difficulties are rarely spoken of in the church, and sometimes a book can be a helpful and safe first way to engage the Bible’s hope before someone is ready to discuss their challenges.
Anna Mondal:
When we name the darkness, we begin to taste the fruit of light: what is true, good, and right (see Eph. 5:8-16). I wrote this mini-book to vocalize and destigmatize the intimate suffering that men and women face. The pain must be spoken clearly before we can begin to taste goodness. I also wrote as a sexual abuse survivor and someone who knows this story from the inside. I know that abuse at the hands of a past predator can deeply impact your married sex life. You can have a safe, godly, loving spouse and still wrestle flashbacks and body memories that seem unbearable. You’re not crazy or broken if that’s your story. But it’s equally true that sexual trauma isn’t the end of your story. There is hope for you to experience the healing grace of God to grow into sexual flourishing with your spouse.
Help + Hope for Intimacy & Past Abuse
In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, Christine Chappell interviews Nate Brooks and Anna Mondal about their mini-book, Help! Our Sex Life is Troubled by Past Abuse. Some of the issues discussed in this interview are:
- The lingering physical, emotional, and spiritual effects experienced by someone who has been victimized by sex trauma and how they affect marital intimacy.
- How biblical narratives speak to the evil of sexual abuse.
- Biblical principals to compassionately engage a spouse who has experienced sexual abuse in their past.
- Practical suggestions for victimized spouses to take incremental steps toward fostering sexual intimacy with their spouse.
- How to set realistic expectations for the journey ahead.
- Biblical encouragements for both spouses to take heart and have hope that God can restore this area of their marriage relationship.