Shepherding a Child’s Heart Audiobook

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Shepherding a Child's Heart Audiobook

Shepherding a Child's Heart Audiobook
Shepherding a Child's Heart Audiobook

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Shepherding a Child's Heart Audiobook

Model Number: SR01AD
Author: Tedd Tripp
MP3 Audio, 6 hours 30 minutes
ISBN 9781509476787

Written for parents with children of any age, this insightful book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child's heart into the paths of life. Please note: This audiobook is delivered as a ZIP file. You will need to download it and extract the MP3 files in order to listen to the audiobook.
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About the audiobook

This audiobook is delivered as a ZIP file. You will need to download it and extract the MP3 files in order to listen to the audiobook.

Shepherding a Child's Heart is about how to speak to the heart of your child. The things your child does and says flow from the heart. Luke 6:45 puts it this way: "…out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Written for parents with children of any age, this insightful book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child's heart into the paths of life.

In this revised edition of Shepherding a Child's Heart, Dr. Tedd Tripp not only draws on his thirty years experience as a pastor, counselor, school administrator, and father, but he also shares insights gained in many years of teaching this material in conferences worldwide, providing more valuable help for parents.

This audiobook is delivered as a ZIP file. You will need to download it and extract the MP3 files in order to listen to the audiobook.

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"Tedd Tripp knows what he is talking about and who he is talking to. He knows children, he knows parents…and he knows the ways of God. This book teaches you what your goals should be and how to pursue these ends practically. It teaches you how to talk to your children and what to talk about. It will inspire you to become a different kind of parent. This is a masterful book."
—Dr. David Powlison, Westminster Theological Seminary

"With the plethora of material on parenting and the family, it is surprising—and distressing—to see how few books are genuinely biblical. Here is a refreshing exception. Tedd Tripp offers solid, trustworthy, biblical help for parents. If you are looking for the right perspective and practical help, you won’t find a more excellent guide."
—Pastor John MacArthur

"Dr. Tripp’s material on parenting is the clearest, most biblically framed, and most helpful that I have ever encountered. It has become the backbone of my own parenting. I am not alone, either. His seminar tapes are by far the most frequently requested biblical teaching materials among my students, counselees, and friends."
—Dr. Edward Welch, Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation

"I am glad to recommend this book for its remarkably clear, biblical, and practical teaching. Earnest fathers and mothers will find it also eminently 'do-able.'"
—Elisabeth Elliot

About the author

Tedd Tripp (B.A., Geneva College; M.Div., Philadelphia Theological Seminary; D. Min, Westminster Theological Seminary) is the president of Shepherding the Heart Ministries, and is Pastor Emeritus of Grace Fellowship Church in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, where he served from 1980 until 2012. Tedd has developed and teaches materials that encourage the people of God to understand gospel hope for the ways that human beings are pushed and pulled by the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Shepherd Press