America has moved on from the Bible and its views of morality. Three “modern” replacements have been employed to succeed the supposed outdated structure of biblical Christianity. These replacements are:
Public Opinion
Public opinion has assumed the role of Scripture and the Holy Spirit. When politicians use phrases like the will of the people or the American people want they are typically referring to public opinion polls. Even the terms right and wrong are used subjectively, as in people feel something is right or wrong or this is wrong for America. These terms are seldom used in the absolute sense. Sexual preference or practice has become a matter to be decided by public opinion and personal choice. Biblical standards are ignored or despised.
The Media
The media has replaced the preacher. The media now interprets and then instructs us about how to live our lives. Cable news and radio talk shows have become the public forum for discussing what is moral or not. Again, it is rare to hear the Bible discussed in these forums.
Personal Desires
And finally personal desires have replaced God as the ruler of our hearts. So, the most important thing is if a person is genuine and living life on one’s own terms. An indicator of this replacement is an emphasis about what people feel or think about a particular issue.
These replacements are how our modern world determines what is moral and who is worthy of scorn or praise. Of course these views shift quickly and are frequently influenced by the themes of the 24 hour news cycle. But it appears as if anything else is thought to be better than the absolute standard of a holy God.
These are the influences that shape the world your children will inhabit. This will not change until the gospel is once again spread by the church. Teach your children to identify these replacements. Public opinion and talk shows are feeble substitutes for the authority of God and his word. Talk regularly about the gospel and the authority of God with your kids. Pray that this next generation will grow up knowing God and the beauty of his truth.
Talk about the wonder of God and your love for him when you rise up and when you lie down, when you are at home and wherever you go each day. Don’t settle for the replacements of a post-modern, post-God culture.