An atheist wrote in with a question about a recent post:
I have posted the question here along with a request to engage her about her beliefs as an atheist. I thought that our readers would be interested as well. I will keep you up to date. Please pray that God will use this opportunity to bring honor to his name.
“Can you prove that we’re all going to stand face to face with Jesus Christ one day? (And the Bible doesn’t count as proof, since you can’t prove that it’s anything more than an extremely old book of mythology.) Or will you admit that your beliefs are based on nothing more than blind faith, just like the beliefs of a Muslim, a Hindu, a Sikh, a Jew, or any other religious person, which means that there’s no way that you can possibly know that your beliefs are any sort of truth?”
My response:
The uniqueness of the Bible is directly tied to its message. You want me, and others to believe that your assertions are true simply because you say them. You want me to offer proof of my beliefs when you offer no proof for your position except that you say it is so. You are claiming there is no God, no standard of ethics, no sense of right and wrong unless you approve. Where is your proof?
The proof of Christianity is in its message and in its savior. A Christian who believes the Bible has nothing to with blind faith. There is nothing about Christianity that teaches you how to earn favor with God because no one can do that. Only in Christianity do you find a unique Savior who requires nothing of you and from you. You can do nothing that impresses him. And yet, after all of this, Jesus Christ purposed to die for those that hate him.
Hannah, I ask you again with all sincerity where is your proof that all of this is wrong? People have believed the truth of Christianity for thousands of years. People have believed in Jesus Christ from every type of ethnic background and social structure.
If you would like to have a serous discussion about things I would love to engage you about these beliefs. I will even publish your comments in a separate post and provide you with an opportunity to defend what you believe. I will be respectful to you and offer you the opportunity for an open discussion. If you don’t want to, I understand, but it would not be wise for me to get into an emotional back and forth with you. It would be dishonoring to God, to Christianity and to you. You demand proof from me, but where is the proof that comforts you and the person who looks back at you in the mirror.
I hope that you do choose to have this discussion. I will pray that you come to know the one true God and his son.
10 thoughts on “So you want proof?”
First, define “Proof”. Cuz if there is one thing I have learned over the years, everyone has a different standard or expectation of the word “Proof”. For some, proof would mean a miracle seen. For others proof would be geological or physical evidence found on the earth. For others still, proof would mean internal spiritual enlightenment.
I think the response to her was handled very well. I do feel like it is difficult to leave emotion out of a conversation like that. I know it is hard for me. I get very emotional when it comes to talking to others about God and I get very protective when speaking to to non-believers. I guess I hope that that emotion is seen and respected. And even if I don’t succeed in convincing them I find comfort in knowing I presented the information to the best of my ability. What they choose to do with it is strictly up to them.
Did Hannah ever respond?
Wait wait wait, we can’t prove the Bible isn’t mythology? Even though it’s historically sound in connection with secular timelines and genealogies?
There is nothing about Christianity that teaches you how to earn favor
with God because no one can do that. Only in Christianity do you find a
unique Savior …. that’s a great point of view Jay … I would have changed the wording on the last couple of sentences, which I’ll post later, but that’s a great start.
I think we do the Bible a huge dis-service in these instances when we don’t bring up the fact that God, in His infinite wisdom, inspired the ONLY book that is validated by way of miracles witnessed by thousands, and prophecy that is 100% accurate. It takes a mighty bold God to do THAT! And then when they dispute the “witnesses,” ask them why they believe America is even a nation. Because all they have is a bunch of signatures on a document that no one alive today witnessed.
Dear SS, My response is delayed because of cancer treatments I am receiving. There is no attempt to avoid your questions. Your concerns about the validity
Thanks for the reply Jay and please accept my apologies for being belligerent, when my comments weren’t posted. Some things transcend the realms of internet debate. I wish you a speedy recovery and my thoughts are with you.
However, debate is always good and provoking thought cannot be a bad thing, on either side.
How does the story of Jesus differ from that of Horus or Mithra? To me, it is the same thing repeated throughout the ages, Have you ever watched Zeitgeist?
I sure do love God. He’s definitely real.