In two 5-4 decisions, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that person of God and his Scripture are no longer relevant with regard to the institution of marriage. In the place of God, the Court has ruled that the will of men determines what constitutes marriage.
The court’s decision is built on a moral foundation less stable than quicksand.
Let’s be clear, these verdicts are more about the failure of the church to be salt and light than they are about the failure of the Supreme Court. For at least three generations the church has allowed her children to be taught that God has no part in the educational process. It began by teaching that God has nothing to do with math, science, economics, literature, or civics. This soon spread to the teaching that God has nothing to do with morality and history.
The court majority swept aside the view of marriage that has been upheld throughout recorded history. The court’s replacement view was not even a consideration twenty years ago. Arrogance moves with astounding haste and lack of caution.
In writing for the majority, Justice Kennedy wrote:
“The Defense of Marriage Act’s principal effect is to identify a subset of state-sanctioned marriages and make them unequal…”
Notice that Kennedy deemed marriage between a man and a woman to be “state-sanctioned.” Herein lies the problem – marriage is not state-sanctioned. It is ordained by God. Of course, this view of the state-sanctioned marriage is consistent with the current educational belief in evolution and social determinism.
God, his word, his glory and his salvation have not been the foundation of our children’s education. Thus, what happened to the nation of Israel has happened to the United States – every man does what is right in his own eyes.
We have abandoned the role of the formative instruction of our children to those who do not bow in humility before God and his word. Until God is acknowledged for who he says he is, America will continue to make moral judgements based upon the quicksand of post-modern, existential thought. The problem lies not with a particular form of education. The problem lies with any form of education that does not see God’s truth as the only solid foundation for life.
If this makes you uncomfortable, that is good thing. Do whatever it takes to teach your children that the truth of Scripture and the power of the gospel extends to every area of life. Understand the ominous warnings behind this ruling. God is not irrelevant. He is not mocked. God is not bound by the ruling of the Supreme Court. He is bound by his will, his justice, his holiness. He will act accordingly.
For the sake of our children, our churches, our country may we begin to live according to the reality that our God is a consuming fire. May we hold to the gospel as the only hope for the rescue of man. May we live God’s truth as the only path of restoration.
All other ground is sinking sand.
(This is first of several posts to be made throughout the summer that will deal with this topic.)
15 thoughts on “Supreme Court: God & Bible are Irrelevant”
Active persecution of Bible believing Christians in America is coming …we all need to be ready. May God forgive us for leaving our first love.
“But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” Rev. 2:4
So well written, and right on the mark. Thank you for sharing what I believe to also be the truth. We cannot blame the Supreme Court for their decision, as America is at fault. It is who we put in office that determines who is on the Supreme Court, and we get what we deserve. I know, however, that the Lord says He will protect those that abide by His Word, and Law. I feel confident that the Lord will take care of me and mine, because of our faith in Him. Again, thank you for sharing your opinion.
I am so glad that you are willing to talk about this topic. So many people I know won’t, because it leads to arguments. And I completely agree with you on this. Thank you.
Thank you for the information said here on this article, makes a lot of scenes. Keep up the good work.
Amen in agreement! Time to Wake Up, Arise and allow the Glory of God shine through us.
Jesus forgive us. Wow, this isn’t a shocker considering how the world is going … just sad to see it here. Jesus come soon … take us home 🙂
Not the supreme court but the Supreme God will have the last word. You who say He is meaningless better keep looking to the sky.
And so America has signed its death warrant. It is just a matter of time.
Rose – totally agree your points. Just wanted to stress that we cannot look to the government institutions for the solution. Thanks for your comment.
Thanks, Mark.
Above my desk hangs a Christian poster stating “THIS POSTER IS ILLEGAL IN 51 COUNTRIES.” I wonder how soon will America be added to that list?
No, this is not a public school problem. There was a point where the public schools were heavily influenced by our churches for good. The church has simply not been aggressive enough in teaching how God is Lord of all the creation. We have allowed the sacred / secular distinction to be seen as viable. There was a point that many in public education would not even think of challenging a biblical worldview because of the response of the church. That day has passed. There is much more to be said, but this is certainly one of the core concerns.
“There was a point that many in public education would not even think of challenging a biblical worldview because of the response of the church.” Not familiar with when this was, and I am a product of public education in the 70’s and 80’s. Perhaps it was pre-mid 60’s when so many lifestyle sins became more trendy and in vogue.
Still, I’m not convinced the church could have stopped this slide or is to blame for it, any more than Moses was to blame when he came down the mountain and found the gold calf being worshipped.
If you believe the church could have that much influence over the unchurched, what more can the church do today that will push the pendulum back away from what this USSC decision signifies?
Church history is full of examples of Christians impacting culture. From the early church, to the Reformation, the Great Awakening, etc. The US Supreme Court used to cite Scripture as a reference in its rulings. FDR’s prayer to God on the eve of D-Day is an example of the prayer of many presidents. Congress officially denounced Ingrid Bergman for leaving her husband for another man while still married. As I said there are any number of examples that can be used to show how Christina have lost influence. We are commanded to be salt and light. Clearly in the last 50 years the influence of the church is almost nonexistent. In the public schools I attended, teachers had Bibles on their desks. Indeed, the whole purpose of the Great Commission is to impact our culture with the gospel.
As the Justice’s sat on high in their fine robes looking down on the people of America who state by state voted against gay marriage; they danced on the Bible with a judgment against God. They judge our laws in this country and have even decided Presidential Elections, but striking down God’s definition of marriage is frighteningly arrogant. I am not sure that the people in this country, even Christians, realize that American just spit in God’s eye. Because those Christians are looking at this today through the lens of what the media has told them. “Oh it’ll just give them the rights to hospital visitations and tax breaks….” NO, man told God that we know better how to live this life. I am sure that many wouldn’t stop short of calling God a bigot as well. America infuriated God today.