Thanks to IBCD’s Hope + Help Podcast for this interview with Jim Newheiser, author of Help! My Anger Is Out of Control. In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, host Christine Chappell interviews Jim Newheiser about his minibook, Help! My Anger is Out of Control. Some of the questions addressed in this interview are: • What is a biblical definition of anger and what are its common characteristics?• Is it true that circumstances and/or people “make” us angry?• Why is it that angry people are prone to being blind to their sinful anger?• What are some of the ways anger can manifest in our daily life and relationships?• What hope is there for someone who feels like their […]
Jim Newheiser
Shepherd Press is pleased to announce the fall 2021 release of A Practical Guide for Effective Biblical Counseling by Dr. Wayne Mack, now available for pre-order. About the book Who will benefit from this book? Anyone involved in counseling troubled people; anyone who strives to disciple others for Christ; all parents who want to promote effective communication and faith-building conversations with their children; any Christian committed to serving others through the Word of God; anyone who wants to live a life pleasing to the Lord, utilizing the principles set forth in Scripture. If you fall into any of these categories, you will benefit from this book. This is a guide for biblical counselors on how to effectively help counselees overcome […]
by Dr. Jim Newheiser During the past twenty years of working in a church-based biblical counseling ministry, in which I have tried to put these principles for change into practice, I have observed three general outcomes. Some counselees are quickly and radically transformed. I have seen cases in which a husband and wife who were already separated and moving toward divorce were in one session brought to heartbroken repentance as each confessed his or her own sin (Matthew 7:1-5) and granted forgiveness to the other, in light of the forgiveness we have received in the gospel (Ephesians 4:32; Matthew 18:21-35). I have also seen many cases in which the counselees went away sad and unchanged, like the rich young ruler […]