Jesus gave instructions to his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount about the basics of the Christian life. The sermon is powerful and wide ranging. It is all the more astounding because of its concise nature. Our Lord uses words with remarkable clarity and directness. The sermon is brief yet complete. Through this masterpiece Jesus gives clear directives that are designed by the Holy Spirit to captivate your attention.
For example in Matthew 6:9, Christ tells his disciples “this is how you should pray”. What follows is the model for how all of us should pray and how you should teach your children to pray. This one prayer consisting of 57 words in Matthew’s gospel is an infallible primer for understanding God’s rule of his world, his holiness, and his power. It is also demonstrates a biblical worldview in its clearest and purest form.
What better way could there be to introduce your children to prayer and to the Lord of this prayer, than to study this prayer with your children. In the next several posts we will examine this prayer as the ultimate provision of God to teach your children about God and who he is. The truths taught in this prayer form the basis of the formative instruction your children must embrace if they are to walk after God and seek him as their savior.
9 Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 Forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
Matthew 6:9-13
2 thoughts on “The Lord’s Prayer and Your Children”
I was raised in church. We went everytime the doors were opened. We always said this prayer and I never totally understood it. I was raised Pentacostal so you know how long we are in church worshipping and singing and praying. I’m 48 years old now, and I would still like for someone to break down this prayer for me and explain each sentence. Thank You and Much Love <3
Check out! Nancy Leigh DeMoss is currently in part 2 of a series all about the Lord’s Prayer. You can listen to previous programs too. May God bless you as you seek Him!