The Power of Thunder

A strong line of thunder storms is passing through our part of the country this evening. The strength of thunder is unsettling and at times, terrifying. Thunder’s power also reminds us that when God says he will do something he has the power to accomplish it.


There is beauty in thunder. It’s not a settling beauty. It is the beauty of sheer power. As Psalm 19 teaches, the sky has much to say about God. The sunrise gives hope. The sunset proclaims the wonder of God in breathtaking sketches.  Thunder brings awe. 


Thunder is the voice of God!


The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea.
    The God of glory thunders.
    The Lord thunders over the mighty sea.


The voice of the Lord is powerful;
    the voice of the Lord is majestic.

Psalm 29:3&4



Shepherd Press