Yearly Archives: 2011

83 posts

Staying Over – Sex with Less Commitment

Proverbs 2 says sexual immorality is something that is damaging to people – something that need to be saved from.  For many enlightened people, this is an outdated viewpoint.  More and more Americans believe that they can discard this thinking as easily as they would yesterday’s newspaper.  American young people are becoming increasingly wary of commitment.  According to a new study done by the University of Missouri, the creative solution to handling the stress of commitment is something called stay-overs.  An article entitled Living together – too much commitment for today’s couples, in USA Today about this study explains:

Joseph Fled—Wisdom & Emotions in Action

We have been looking at how wisdom offers protection from sexual immorality and from the ways of wicked men. In the last post we saw that Joseph acted wisely when he fled from Potiphar’s wife. What caused Joseph to have this immediate, emotional, and wise response to temptation? The answer will help you train your children to live for God in a sinful world. It will help you as well. Several positive factors combine to produce this protection for Joseph. Let’s look at them.

Some thoughts about Harry Potter

Tonight is the premiere of the last installment of the Harry Potter movies.  The movies and the books have been tremendously successful from a sales point of view.  Harry Potter has had the same impact that Star Wars did a generation ago. Without getting into all that could be said about these iconic series, and much could and should be said, allow me to make one observation that is common to both. Both film series represent an eastern view of the world.  Good and evil must be in balance.  At Hogwarts, Gryffindor (good) and Slytherin (not so good) represent both ends of the spectrum. But both are a part of the school and a balanced “Hogwarts” education.  Likewise the goal […]

Protection and Belief

What you believe is what protects you. What your children believe will be what, ultimately, protects them. Protects them from what?  From the attacks of the world. Responsible parents are always looking for ways to protect their children.  Whether it is an improved baby monitoring or a new cell phone with a GPS locator or a car with more safety features, protecting our children is important.  But what will protect them from the deceptive schemes of a world at war with God? Satan, as the father of lies, has constructed a world system that attempts to obscure and conceal the evil he has planned for those who follow him. That is what Ephesians 2:1-3 is teaching us; note especially verse […]


Two hundred thirty-five years ago this weekend, Americans declared their intention to be independent of England and her King. Unfortunately, such matters are seldom settled by simply signing a piece of paper and delivering it to the ruling country. England was not pleased with this declaration and entered into a long period of war before granting the upstart Americans their wish. But in the end, America had her desire—she was independent of the English.

Protected by Wisdom

This post is part of an ongoing series about parenting and proverbs. Our goal is to make specific application of the first 9 chapters of Proverbs to the issues parents face with their children.   Every Christian parent wants to see his children protected and guarded by God’s wisdom, especially as they grow older and begin their own lives away from home.  The book of Proverbs has much to say about this biblical and good desire. We have already looked at the first 5 verses of Chapter Two which focus on the importance man’s effort to know the wisdom of God. Now in verses 6-11, Solomon turns to the sovereign grace of God in protecting and guarding young hearts. Please […]

Come to Me, You Who Are Weary

Weariness is certainly no stranger to a parent whose child is wide-awake in the middle of the night. That is why the book, Go the ____ to Sleep, has been such an instant retail success. It is currently number two on the Amazon best-selling book list. For a Christian, however, recognizing weariness should bring great hope. Why? Because Jesus says “Come to me all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Sleep Problems and the Heart

We have been discussing how to respond to children who are awake in the middle of the night. One important consideration is to be clear that the behavioral issues with our children are always connected to  hearts—their hearts and our hearts. In other words, all the behaviors occurring throughout the day are not random, disconnected events. They all have to do with God—and with your heart. The upset your son had with his little sister in the morning is somehow connected with anger at the dog in the afternoon. It may even impact his ability to get to sleep that night. This is even more to the point if you are unaware of the problems with his sister or the […]