Monthly Archives: April 2013

30 posts

The Myth of Safety

The myth of safety lies shattered at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Whether we are in a movie theater, an office building, a school room, a college campus, or a sporting event, we are no more safe than if we were on the front lines in Afghanistan. Those on the front lines are constantly aware of the danger. However, in day-to-day life we believe the lie that we are entitled to safety. The truth is that we are only as safe as God has purposed for us to be.   It is the lie of the Enemy that laws, regulations, police protection, armies, and air bags will keep us safe. All of these things have a place. But […]

Amnon & Self-Pity – A case study

Amnon was a disgusting, pathetic, miserable young man. Driven by self-pity he became a sexual predator. He is someone you need to understand. Romans 15:4 tells us that whatever was written in Scripture was written for our instruction. So, as unpleasant as it is, the Holy Spirit has something for you to learn regarding Amnon.    The core information about Amnon is written in 2 Samuel 13:2. All of the other events in this narrative flow from this one observation:   “Amnon became so obsessed with his sister Tamar that he made himself ill. She was a virgin, and it seemed impossible for him to do anything to her.”   Obviously Amnon was sexually obsessed with Tamar. But if this […]

These words are your life!

Moses cried out to israel to impress the things of God upon their hearts. Moses knew the words of God would bring Israel close to God. He reminded them that these words of God that he had spoken to them were their very life (Deuteronomy 32:47). Moses knew that if God’s words were spoken and taught every day to God’s people, life would flow abundantly. Moses knew that if Israel would love God enough to talk to their children about Him wherever they were, the nation would remain faithful to God.    Solomon’s words capture the impact of parents who take every opportunity to talk about God and His ways. The parent who faithfully follows Deuteronomy 6:7 can quote Proverbs […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

Who (or what) do your kids think you worship?   Your children know you for who you really are.  They see you when you are not aware they are watching. They hear your words when you think they can’t. They see your face in your unguarded moments.  They know what is really important to you. They know what you really think of God and his word.    Would you welcome hearing their honest assessment of who (or what) you really worship?   Something to think about. Something to talk to God about. Be honest with your children. Be honest with God.  Love God and your kids enough to pray this prayer:   Search me, God, and know my heart;     test […]

Self-Pity & Sexual Immorality

A toddler sulks because she can’t play when it is time for a nap. A nine-year-old feels deprived because he has to share the video game console with his little brother.  A young teenager thinks he is an outcast because no one who is “cool” ever talks to him. All three of these children are candidates for sexual immorality and perversion.  You might think, how did you make that connection? Good question. Here is the why behind this thinking. Sexual immorality is rooted in selfishness. The lusts of the flesh say that a person should be able have what they want or desire. There is cultural outrage that anyone, especially God, would set boundaries on sexual conduct. The core issue […]

The Power of Thunder

A strong line of thunder storms is passing through our part of the country this evening. The strength of thunder is unsettling and at times, terrifying. Thunder’s power also reminds us that when God says he will do something he has the power to accomplish it.   There is beauty in thunder. It’s not a settling beauty. It is the beauty of sheer power. As Psalm 19 teaches, the sky has much to say about God. The sunrise gives hope. The sunset proclaims the wonder of God in breathtaking sketches.  Thunder brings awe.    Thunder is the voice of God!   The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea.     The God of glory thunders.     The Lord thunders over the […]

Patience verses Chaos

Raising children is a battle with the immediate. If something is difficult it should not be. If there is a problem, someone else should fix it. If something is wanted, it must be possessed. This is the mindset that also dominates western culture. To test this statement look at television for an hour and notice in particular the commercials. Then notice the problems that you hear others talking about. Then, listen to the content of prayer requests. There are exceptions to this trend. But, sadly they are only exceptions.   People must see biblical wisdom in action for the church to function as salt and light. The world is continually dissatisfied with its craving for immediate gratification. This leads to […]

The Storms of Life

Jesus foretold in the Sermon on Mount that life on earth is full of storms. Regardless of whether one is rich or poor, wise or unwise, prepared or unprepared, the storms will come. This is what Jesus Christ, the Lord of the Universe, taught. Yet, when the storms come people are surprised. “Why is this happening?”  We tend to forget that we live in a sin-cursed world. We are told we can be safe. We can have insurance. We have healthcare. We have building codes. We have laws. We have safety devices. We believe we can protect ourselves. We believe that we are entitled to safety and peace.  We believe that the purpose of relationships is to make us happy […]

America’s Hope – Your Family, Your Church

The last post warned of America’s disrespect for God and his ways. It is essential for Christians to have a clear view of the dangers the enemy presents.  It is equally important to maintain hope and confidence in God’s power. This is where your family and your church community come in.   God often uses the small things to humble the proud. David had five smooth stones. Gideon had 300 men. Jonathan had his sword. Jonah had only words. One way that God can turn an entire culture around is when parents start to talk about God to their children.   If we talk about God, then to maintain credibility, we have to believe what we say. If we represent […]