
2441 posts

Who’s In Charge?

Requiring exact, immediate, pleasant obedience is a huge blessing.  This establishes the parent’s God-given authority and helps children to see the value of honoring God’s authority. However, it is possible allow children to become the center of the home and allow them to assume command. So it is important to ask, “who’s in charge?” Here is an example, that borders on the absurd, of what happens when a child is in charge: Mom asks her almost six-year-old son, Justin, to open the front door to let some fresh air in through the screen door. Justin replies, “Mommy, I’ll just turn on the fan instead.” “No, I want you to open the door now.” “Mommy, please can we just turn on […]

How To Stop Fighting and Start Loving

Fights come naturally, you were born to fight. It is time to stop being surprised that you and the people you love are inclined to fight. Since the Garden, we all have a part of Cain embedded in us. So the question is not why do you fight, but how can you stop fighting. Here is at least one answer: consider others, especially the ones you are fighting with, as more important than yourself. That is always your first thought when you fight, right? You automatically consider the other person more important than you are. The reason this sounds awkward and uncomfortable is because you are more willing to listen to the voice of Cain rather than the voice of […]

The Love of Safety Is Not Safe

There is nothing safe about the path leads to safety. Following God requires courage and boldness. There are enemies on every side, both spiritual and earthly. Living as children of light angers the forces of darkness. Jesus says that before we can live, we must die to ourselves. Raising children is a wonderful blessing, but the journey is not a safe one.  To tell your kids about God’s goodness and faithfulness requires courage and boldness. The pursuit of God is not safe, but it is only way to safety. It was not safe for the Israelites to be circumcised just before entering into battle with the Canaanites. The whole army was in pain and vulnerable to attack because they obeyed […]

Does Your Soul Thirst for God?

Does your soul thirst for God? How special is God to you this day? Do your thoughts of God mirror those of David in Psalm 63? Would your children say that you view God as David does in this psalm? These words of David teach us just how deeply we should value the privilege of knowing God. May we all long for God each day, for surely we live in a dry and weary land. O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. […]

Blue Avengers – Reflections On Romans 13

Twice each day tens of thousands of people walk away from a life that is much like yours. They leave their kids, their spouses, their pets, their lawns that need mowing, their bills, the struggles and joys of life. For the next 12 hours or so, they willingly become a target of all that is evil and wrong in this world. You see these folks at the grocery store, at a restaurant, in traffic, at the park. They look just like you, part of the busyness of life. But then, they put on the color blue, body armor, a badge, a weapon and become an avenger who brings the wrath of God upon those who would do you harm. None […]

Dangerous rules

Following rules will not make you a better person. Rules will not build your character. Rules will not produce spiritual maturity. What rules may do is keep you safe and keep you from breaking laws. The question to ask is this: Is there more to life than being safe and legal? Relying primarily on a set of rules to govern your family can be toxic. Paul warns you about being taken captive by human traditions and spiritual forces of this world. Here is his exact warning found in Colossians 2:8. “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on […]

Do You Require Obedience For Love?

Do your kids think that you are only pleased with them if they obey? Do your kids think that the gospel means that they must be good so God will love them? Do your kids think that they must be good for you to like them, for you to love and delight in them? To answer that question listen to the way your children talk about the gospel. You may be thinking that children seldom talk about the gospel. But actually, they do. Listen to your children talk. Listen to what makes them happy or sad. Listen to what they say about how you love them. “Mommy, I’m sorry I make you angry.” “Daddy, I won’t do it again.” “Why […]

When You Think You Have Reached Your Limit

Life is full of struggles and irritations. Relationships are challenging. Temptations abound to doubt the goodness of God. When it appears that life has taken a bad turn, when things are overwhelming, a clear and present danger exists. Your response may become a source of temptation to those around you. Think with me about this. Jesus was walking along the road to Jerusalem to where he knew he would be crucified. This story is part of the ominous travel narrative in Luke’s gospel. The crucial moment in all of human history is about to unfold. Jesus will be tempted with the greatest of temptations. Yet, even in this heavy hour, he turns his focus to his disciples. In the first […]

Worship: not for the faint of heart

Biblical worship is about transformation. Christian worship is distinct from anything that our “spiritual” culture has to offer. An encounter with the Living God, whether corporately or individually, should be transformational. Conformity to the world’s idea of worship carries the idea of personal enrichment and fulfillment. Biblical worship is nothing of the sort. Biblical worship requires courage. When you see God for who he is, you cannot remain the same. You are undone, yet you have hope. You must be transformed. Your mind must be renewed so you can embrace the perfect, written will of God for your life.

Teach Your Kids To Love God

As parents we rightly focus on teaching our children to obey God.  But, we must be more focused on teaching our children to love God first. This is where it is easy to turn away from the gospel in parenting. Whether you read Deuteronomy, Matthew or Colossians, the first thing that God desires is that he is to be loved. Too often, when it comes to raising children, loving God is tacked on as an after thought to obedience. The thought process may run like this: “I can’t force my children to love God, so I will teach them to obey, because I can require that.” Teaching obedience appears to be a more doable task than teaching the love of […]