
2441 posts

Dangerous Love

From God’s perspective, to love is to identify with Christ. In I John 3 we learn what love really means: to love is to follow Christ’s example and lay down our lives for others. Thus to love like Jesus did means at least these things: True love is selfless love. True love means a commitment to die to yourself. True love takes great personal courage. True love is dangerous. It is dangerous to follow Christ in love. Yet, it is even more dangerous to attempt to love without knowing and loving Christ. When you love someone, you become vulnerable to that person. The person you love is in a position to hurt you. The only way to truly love is to […]

Preparing For the Unexpected

Your ten-year-old son picks up the daily newspaper left laying on the kitchen table. No one has had an opportunity to actually read the paper yet. Your son finds a front page article on sex and TV, complete with enticing photos, and reads about new shows with group sex and nudity. Try to put yourself in his place. Your son needs a game plan about how to handle this information in a way that pleases God and protects him. This situation is exactly what Proverbs 6:20-24 envisions when it describes what godly parental instruction should accomplish for your children. Here is what verse 22 says: When you walk, their counsel will lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you. […]

We Don’t Know What To Do

There are times when everything goes wrong all at once. The kids are out of control. There are problems with the car or the house. You are tired to the bone. There are far too few hours in a day. There are times life hurts. You try to pray but it is like God is on coffee break. There was a king who had a moment like this. There was a vast army that was coming to attack him. Why? Simply because they wanted to.  They were strong and unjust. He knew that he had no ability to defeat the bad guys, they were simply too strong. Our king had no idea what to do. But then, in humility, King […]

How Attractive Is Your Instruction?

Parents, you know the day will come when your children will face a situation where they will have to decide in an instant whether or not to give into temptation. How attractive has your instruction been to your children? Do they perceive your words as precious gifts which adorn their life (Proverbs 1:8-9)? Or has your instruction been dominated by anger, frustration and disappointment with their performance? Proverbs 6:20-24, has valuable insight. Solomon says that sons, (children) are to cling tightly to their parents instruction. He says in verse 22 this instruction is to become an intimate part of their lives, so much so, that it speaks to their heart 24/7: When you walk, their counsel will lead you.
 When […]

It’s Not About Control

There is a difference between having control and building up. Parental authority based on control leads to manipulation, domination, and failed relationships. Parental authority that is based on building up takes time, requires dependence on God’s power and leads to lasting, deepening relationships. Paul in 2 Corinthians 13:10 says that God gave him authority for building up and not for tearing down. This is important. As a parent you want to do far more than simply control your children. Control can be achieved in many ways. Here are just a few examples: Manipulation. Do what I ask and you can have a special dessert or your can go to the big game next week. Intimidation. “Do what I want if […]

Waking Up Weary

Parenting is challenging. It leaves you weary at the end of the day; weary not only because of the trials of the day just finished, but also because tomorrow is just a few hours away. You know that in the morning you will wake up weary. Weariness dominates when you see life’s responsibilities and burdens in abstraction from God’s purposes. When that happens, you take on the burden of parenting in you own strength. God is at work in the most intimate details of your life. He delights in blessing his children with his strength. For this to occur, you must see that God is the one who has brought you to this point of weariness so that you will […]

Healthy or Holy?

Just to be clear, taking care of your health is a vital obligation you have before God. Having said that, here is a question to consider: Do you care more about being healthy or holy? Let’s think this through. Being as healthy as you can is important! However, problems with your health can take nothing from you that will damage your relationship with God. Sin, on the other hand, will do this and much more. Being sick or injured cannot keep you from God, but sin certainly will. Maintaining good health is something most people take seriously. Sin – not so much. For example, spending time and money to find the right diagnosis for a health issue is done without […]

An interview with your teenager

Suppose someone interviewed your teenager immediately after the two of you had a difficult conversation. What would he say? Would he say that you listened to him respectfully, wanting to fully understand him before you answered? Would she say that you showed thoughtful care for her concerns? Would your teenager say that the words you used were pleasant, encouraging and kind? Most importantly, would your teenager say your words were spoken with humility? Would your teenager think he was the most important person in the conversation? At this point someone might be protesting, “Wait a minute, my kid was being disrespectful to me. He doesn’t deserve to be treated that way!” In Philippians 2, the apostle Paul says this to […]

Ask Good Questions

by Tedd Tripp Ask good questions to help your children understand their attitudes of heart. Think, for example, of the young man who has humiliated his younger brother in the presence of his older friends. You must correct his rude and hurtful behavior, but the wise parent will also help him understand what motivated him. You might have a conversation like this: “Do you think your brother was embarrassed by the ways you spoke to him?” “Yeah, I guess.” “Why do you think he felt so hurt?” “I guess he thought I was making fun of him.” “I think you’re right, he did. This is a hard question, but what do you think was going on in your heart when […]

Your God keeps his word!

Five simple words that should dominate your life. People can disappoint and be hurtful. Your God keeps his word. You feel alone and are tempted to think no one understands. Your God keeps his word. You know you need courage to the wife or husband God wants you to be. Your God keeps his word. You need strength to be consistent as a parent. Your God keeps his word. You are treated unfairly at work and no one notices. Your God keeps his word. You are discouraged about the political campaign. Your God keeps his word. You battling sickness or injury. Your God keeps his word. You desire to be more like Christ. Your God keeps his word! Psalm 146 […]