
2441 posts


Obedience is not something that can be used to gain a reward – obedience itself is the reward. What is the basis of your acceptance with God? When there is disobedience, the solution is not simply to do better next time. The solution is to to trust Christ for the strength to do what you cannot. Repentance is about a change of heart, not just actions. Biblical obedience acknowledges the weakness of the flesh and the absolute necessity of having a heart transformed by the power of the cross. If you settle for something less you have a false understanding of biblical obedience. Obedience that seeks to earn acceptance, favor or status results in frustration. Such “obedience” is self-serving. Obedience […]

Teenagers: Rebellion or Challenged Relationships

Jesus was talking to the religious establishment of his day. These leaders should have recognized the Jesus they saw before them. However, they expected a different Jesus. They expected a messiah who would meet their standards and honor them in their hypocrisy. They assumed they would be respected as leaders, that Jesus would acknowledge their wisdom. Jesus did just the opposite. He told them two parables to illustrate their weakness. Sadly and predictably, the establishment crowd continued in their ways, and after hearing the second parable they began to look for ways to arrest Jesus. Here is the first parable: “What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, ‘Son, […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

In the context of our various trials we need wisdom to know how to function in those trials and circumstances; it is available from a giving God, and we are to ask for it (James 1:5). Our need is no different from Israel’s. We need not only the power of God to overwhelm our obvious enemies but also the wisdom of God to detect our subtle enemies. Unfortunately, the church too often craves God’s power while it ignores God’s wisdom. Dale Ralph Davis Psalm 19:7-14 The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. 8 The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The […]

Rescued by Joy!

In our deepest sadness we are rescued by joy. Joy has to do with the reality of God. Joy transcends the moment and extends into eternity. Joy does not fade but endures. Joy alone makes sense of the pain of life. Joy is the certain knowledge that what is unseen is more vast than what is seen. Joy is the fuel of hope. Joy means your circumstances are opportunities to honor your God. Joy is the evidence that you are never truly lost. Joy means you are not limited by a sin-cursed world. Joy means that you can love when you are hurt. Joy means that you can live for God when death surrounds you. Joy is knowing that God […]

Gentleness equals power

Do you want your children to see you as someone they can trust? Do you want your spouse to take comfort in just being with you? Are you easy to talk to? Is your family hesitant to talk you when they are hurting? If someone in your family messes up or is in trouble are you the person that helps him feel secure and safe, the person that she knows will help make things right? You want to be able to answer yes to these questions. In fact, you sometimes get angry and hurt when those close to you don’t seek your help.  Ironic, isn’t it? There is a biblical quality that can help you become the go-to person for […]

Kindness in the twilight zone

It is easy to show kindness when your children are respectful and obey quickly with a smile. It is easy to show kindness when they clean the living room without being told. But when they are disrespectful and make a mess instead, being kind seldom enters our minds. But think about this. Suppose God chose to follow our example when he disciplines us for our sinful behavior?  I don’t know about you, but that is a thought that terrifies me. Being kind does not mean you don’t discipline or correct. It does not mean you roll over and give your kids control of the house. It does not mean lowering standards. Being kind means that you show God to your […]

Excuses or repentance

All of us are born with a tendency to follow Adam and Eve. “The woman you gave me.” “The serpent deceived me.” Humans have been embellishing and refining our ability to be master excuse makers ever since. Excuses keep us from trusting God, erode our human relationships and weaken our character. The default mode for the excuse maker is to shift blame instead of looking to God in repentance. Repentance brings hope. Excuses result in fear. This how the Holy Spirit describes the difference. “He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Proverbs 28:13 Concealing sins, excuse making, will not prosper before God. But repentance yields mercy and the blessing of God. […]

Raising your children to face persecution and danger

Your objective as a Christian parent is to raise your children to live a godly life following Christ. This idea is exciting, even inspiring. But how conscious are you that there is another side to living a godly life? Encouraging your children to follow Christ also will lead them into persecution. This reality balances the excitement. Following Christ is a wonderful, fulfilling and sobering pursuit. It is a path not to be taken lightly. Paul reminds us of this when he says, “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…” 2 Timothy 3:12 Following God requires courage and boldness. There are enemies on every side, both spiritual and earthly. Living as children of […]

Jesus, rain and faith

Jesus was on a boat with his disciples. He decided to take a nap. While he was sleeping a fierce storm came up. Waves were crashing over the top of the boat. The disciples feared for their lives so, in a panic, they woke Jesus shouting, “we are going to drown!” Let’s stop the tape. Can you identify with the passengers? It appeared the boat was about to sink and what was Jesus doing, sleeping! The disciples acted as if they didn’t alert their sleeping master he wouldn’t know that they were in danger. At that precise moment they were acting very much like you and me. We somehow think it is our job to let God know what he […]

Do Christian lives matter?

On Thursday morning October 1st, students at a community college in Roseburg, Oregon went to class. They were “protected” by a gun free zone and by academic freedom that is designed to keep religion and mention of the Christian God from education. It was a bright, beautiful fall day. But one man determined that there would be nothing beautiful about this day. The actual story of the shooting and murder of the college students is slowly emerging. The killer asked students if they were Christians. If they said yes they were shot in the head. If any other group had been selected for murder in this way the outcries of civil rights violations and hate crimes would have been deafening. […]