
34 posts

Guest Post: Abiding in the Vine — Brian G. Hedges

Abiding in the Vine One of the most vivid and powerful illustrations for the believer’s union with Christ in all of Scripture is that of the vine and branches. Branches bear fruit only when they abide in the vine. So it is for believers: the only way we can glorify the Father with fruitful lives is by abiding in Jesus. This teaching is found in John 15, where Jesus continues to prepare his disciples for his imminent death and departure by instructing them about their calling and mission as his disciples, emphasizing their absolute dependence on him. As Jesus says in verse 5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he […]

Worry, Anxiety, Obedience and Your Children

Obedience to God is something that is meant to bring comfort and peace to life. The Holy Spirit illuminates his word so that obedience can be the ultimate stress reliever. Jesus urges you to know the relief and refreshment from taking his yoke upon you instead of trying to figure out life for yourself. John says the commands of God are not burdensome. I can hear someone thinking or saying, “Time out! These are not exactly my first thoughts about obedience. What are you talking about?” Well, such an objection is totally understandable. Sadly for most parents and children obedience is associated with wording similar to “obey or else!” — not much comfort there. But this is not what the […]

Featured in World Magazine

Noah: A Journal of Praise Featured in World Magazine Ganz imagines Noah keeping a journal into which she invites her readers: “Let’s pretend that we are reading some pages from Noah’s journal.” The beautifully illustrated journal begins on the day Noah enters the ark for the last time before the flood: “I was thankful that our God himself shut the door of the ark. Would I have the strength to do it?” Noah writes about the ark’s sounds and smells, his fear, and the attributes of God to which he clings. The book depicts the reality of God’s judgement and shows Noah offering praise for his goodness and mercy. (Ages 8-12) World Magazine August 6, 2016 To learn more, click […]

Why the story of Noah matters today

The setting is in any one of the high-crime areas of several major U.S. cities. The time is approximately 10:00 p.m. A loud, sharp bang gets everyone’s attention. A young child turns to her mother and asks, “How many gunshots is that we have heard tonight?” “Two or three.” “Mom, do you think maybe somebody got shot?” “I don’t know baby. I hope not.” “Why do people have to get mad and shoot each other?” “You know the answer, sweetheart.” “I know, it is because of sin. But I still don’t like it.” “I don’t either! But when people turn from God, bad things happen. Do you remember when we read about Noah and the ark in the Bible?” “Yes. […]

Confronting and controlling your fears

Whatever fears you struggle with, consider them in the light of Romans 8. There is no fear that you have that cannot be conquered by God’s power at work in you!  The greatest fear anyone can have is the condemnation of God. But in Christ, there is no condemnation. Confront your fear with this truth. You do not have to be controlled by fear. Apply the teaching of this wonderful chapter to help you be controlled by the Spirit of God and his word. Here is a brief application from Romans 8 that encourages you not to be controlled by fear. Christians need not fear condemnation. verse 1 Christians are not controlled by the flesh but by the Holy Spirit. […]

The Bible & Worship

Hebrews 4:12 describes the Bible as being living and active. Is this merely a fact to you? Or does this phrase in Hebrews speak about you? Do you read the Bible simply to increase  your knowledge—or to be spiritually fed and enlivened as you read? We know that our children must trust the Bible and live it. But do our children see that these words of God are living and working in us? Do our children know that the Bible defines who we are and how we live? The prophet Isaiah warned against following words learned by rote: And their worship of me is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote. Isaiah 29:13 Surely, you want more than rote knowledge […]

Is the Bible alive to you?

Hebrews 4:12 describes the Bible as being living and active. Is this merely a fact you teach your kids? Or does this phrase in Hebrews speak of you? Do you read the Bible simply to increase  your knowledge—or to be spiritually fed and enlivened as you read? You know that your children must trust the Bible and live it. But do your children see that these words of God are living and working in you? Do your children know that the Bible defines who you are and how you live? The danger that all of us face is the Bible something that is just followed by rote and routine. The prophet Isaiah warned against following words learned by rote: And […]

Mary, An Ordinary Girl

Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, unexpectedly came face-to-face with the angel Gabriel. Mary was a young woman, quite possibly a teen-ager. To say that she was startled and taken aback would be a huge understatement. But Gabriel comforts her and then with a few spoken words turned her life upside down. She was going to become a mother. She was told her child would grow up to take the throne of King David and that his kingdom would have no end. This was not an ordinary conversation. Gabriel was no ordinary visitor. Her baby would not be an ordinary son. Mary, an ordinary young woman, a sinner saved by grace, was troubled and confused and afraid as any woman […]

The Holy Spirit says heaven is for real!

The Holy Spirit has given his word that heaven is a reality. He has provided vivid and breathtaking descriptions of the wonder of heaven in the Bible. In his wisdom, God has provided exactly what we need to know about what heaven is like. But, there is more. For you and me to believe and trust in the Bible, Jesus Christ had to die. If Jesus had not suffered agonizing punishment and death for our sins, we would not be capable of seeing the wonder and majesty of the Spirit’s book; we would never have the faith to believe its truth.   Therefore, we can trust what is written in God’s word because God guaranteed its truth by the death of his […]

As the world turns

 The brilliant colors of spring are beginning to appear, at least where I live. Some of you will have to wait a bit longer.  Spring happens because earth is once again in position to turn its northern hemisphere towards the warmth of the Sun. On March 21, the spring equinox will occur when the equator is pointed directly at the sun. There will be exactly 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night.  This not a random event. Neither is it an event governed by the laws of science. Science can only observe the faithfulness of God’s active providence. However accurate these observations may be, they are not laws that govern our world. The spring equinox and the corresponding  […]