
120 posts

America, we have a problem

Building a biblical worldview – part 3 This is the third post on Isaac Watts’ famous hymn “Joy to the World,” which is based on Psalm 98. The lyrics of this Christmas carol teach a biblical worldview. This carol should serve as yearly reminder of how God wants his people to think about the world they inhabit. The first component of this worldview has to do with the joyful anticipation of Christ’s rule. The second component encourages us to delight in the ongoing reign of our Savior. This third element tells us where the problems in our life and culture come from. We see this in the carol’s third verse: No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest […]

The Savior Reigns – building a biblical worldview – part 2

The second verse of “Joy to the World” builds on the theme of the first verse, where Isaac Watts anticipates the coming king. Now he exults in the reign of Christ. This also allows us to add the next foundation stone in constructing a biblical worldview based on this hymn. This truth is simple, yet profound – Jesus reigns, it is good. Here is the second verse: Joy to the World, the Savior reigns! Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains Repeat the sounding joy… All that is good, noble, and excellent in life stems from the glory and goodness of God, not from any other source. If Jesus reigns, joy is the response […]

Joy to the World – a biblical worldview for your family

Worldview can be an intimidating topic to discuss, let alone teach to your children.  But this does not have to be the case. A biblical worldview is best presented by concepts that are clearly and easily grasped. Such is the case with the Christmas carol, “Joy to the World.” Let’s look at each of the hymn’s four verses and see how they combine to offer a compelling worldview that brings honor to God. The first verse focuses on the blessing that Jesus Christ has come to be our King. Isaac Watts’ Christmas carol, is one of the most beloved of all the Christmas hymns. The words to this hymn (at least the first verse), are known throughout the world. This […]

What if this is your last Christmas?

Suppose you knew that this Christmas would be your last one on earth. Would it make a difference in how you celebrated, in the gifts that you give, and in the meaning of the day?     The answer, of course, would be yes. But how would it play out in your life?   Well, let’s start with the likelihood of whether or not this will actually be your last Christmas. You can look at things from a statistical perspective and conclude that this will probably not be your last one. But the matter of the length of life is not determined by statistical probabilities. The time of life is set by the will and plan of God. (Psalm 139:16) […]

Avoiding disappointment Christmas morning

December is here and that means Christmas gifts. Gift giving is a double edged sword. When a gift is given that is a delightful surprise or a longed for treasure, all is well. The giver is happy, the recipient is thrilled, the tree seems  to be bigger and brighter. But when the gift that was desired does not appear, the tree is somehow not as pretty and spirits are dampened.  A cloud hangs over the festive atmosphere of Christmas Day. And, of course, the disappointment of the missing  gift is not limited to children, mom & dad can know this ache as well.   Not getting the gift that is wanted can happen for several reasons. The budget dictates trips […]

Why should you be thankful?

Thanksgiving is the one day in the holiday season about which there is no ambiguity. Store clerks, news anchors, strangers, teachers, pastors, flight attendants, TV commercials, sales people, even government employees can say Happy Thanksgiving without fear of offending anyone. Most everyone can offer some reason to give thanks. For the moment, at least, thanksgiving is not offensive in our culture.   Christians especially have reason for thanksgiving. Our sins have been placed on another so that we can know the Lord of the Universe. There is much to be thankful for. But the most basic reason for Thanksgiving is the goodness and mercy of God.   The simple truth is that if we were not commanded to give thanks […]

Don’t lose your children in the holiday blur!

The holiday season presents a challenge for parents. As the message that man needs a savior fades, the bustle of the season increases. Even when the holidays are kept in a biblical perspective, they can take a toll on families. One of the first casualties of the season is time. One event blurs into another. Shopping becomes an ordeal. The ones who are affected the most by this hectic schedule are the very ones the season is supposedly all about – the children. When things are busy, the questions and concerns of children often lose importance. They are admonished to be patient and quiet because there is a lot to do. So their questions blend into the background noise of […]

Embarrassed by God?

Take a deep breath, its November. It is time, once again, for America to attempt to celebrate a season meant to show gratitude to God and joy remembering the birth of Jesus Christ by ignoring them. We have “matured” to the point where we now thank ourselves and our retirement plans.  Our reason for joy is based upon how much we can give to each other. God? Jesus Christ? The Holy Spirit? They are unconstitutional. The idea of one God to whom all are accountable  – embarrassing!  This is reality in America and in many other countries.  How do you lead your children to honor God during the coming weeks?  First – Remind your children that just because others are […]

Halloween – the ultimate trick or treat

Halloween is viewed by many as a night of family fun, fantasy dress up, and sweet rewards. Millions participate in Halloween festivities for these reasons. If this was all there was to Halloween there would be nothing to be concerned about. But not everything is at it appears to be. There is a dark-side to Halloween.    The last few weeks cable channels have flooded TV screens with horror movies specializing in blood, fear, and gore. Modern imaging technology makes these films shockingly realistic.  Satanists claim Halloween as their holy day. The occult revels in this dark celebration.    The contrast is stunning. One side of the Halloween coin is bright, fun and exciting. The other side represents the darkest […]

Father’s Day, A Day of Joy and Sadness

Holidays that focus on family relationships draw more attention with each passing year – some of it good and some not so good. As we pointed out with Mother’s Day, Father’s Day is not a pleasant day for many. Everyone has a father. That much is obvious. The problem comes when Father’s Day becomes a one-size-fits-all event. Everyone has a different life-experience regarding having a Father, being a father or not being a father. Many are blown away by the faithful sacrifice of their dads. Sadly, many are also devastated by their fathers. There are men who are thrilled with the joy of being a father. There are others who are not. There are still others who long to be […]