
58 posts

Interview with Kirk Cameron

Recently, I had the opportunity to catch up with my friend, Kirk Cameron, while he was fishing with 2 of his sons. During the interview you can hear the excitement as one of the boys hooked a fish! We talk about Kirk’s knew movie, Unstoppable, family life and the importance of the heart, as well as Kirk’s deep appreciation for Tedd Tripp and Shepherd Press. It is an enjoyable half hour.          

Honoring God in the Internet World – an Interview with Matt Heerema

For many using the internet means social media, email, keeping track of current events, or online shopping. But there is also the side of the internet that has to do with commerce and, for an increasing number of Christians, full time ministry. God’s people need to be able think biblically about to best use the vast resources of the internet in a way this is honoring to God. Matt Heerema can help to do just this! Matt Heerema lives and works in this new world of the web. He describes himself this way: Web Consultant, Theology Geek, Musician, Husband, and Father of 3; but not in that order. Matt is intentional about his faith and his work. I had the […]

Everyday Talk about Cancer & Other Bad News

God placed our first parents, Adam and Eve, into a world that was good, very good. There was no disease, no human rebellion, the ground was receptive to crop growth. There was no air pollution.  There were animals who submitted to the rule of God and man as they came before Adam to be named. There was no marital discord between the first couple.  This was creation. This is what Adam and Eve rejected when they thought they had a better way to live than to follow God’s command. Sadly, this was also the choice that you and I and every other human would have made had we been in their place. In short, Adam and Eve paved the way […]

Shepherding a Child’s Heart in Asheville, NC

Crosspoint Church in Asheville, NC is hosting featuring Tedd Tripp, August 17&18. You can check out details of the conference here. If you are in the Asheville area, or in upstate South Carolina, this is a wonderful opportunity to hear Tedd speak and to encourage others about the importance of biblical parenting! I had the opportunity to interview the pastor of Crosspoint, Mike McKelvy and lay leader, Nathan Renfro about this conference. I am excited to see a local church so enthused about biblical shepherding of their families. I believe you will appreciate the insights of these two men and their passion for truth. Here is the link to the interview:    

Formative Instruction – Interview with Tedd Tripp

Here is the first segment of the four part interview I was privileged to conduct with Tedd Tripp. The focus on this segment is on formative instruction. This concept is introduced in the book Instructing a Child’s Heart. As is often the case, when a truly biblical insight is put forth, the insight takes on a timeless quality, because the bible itself is timeless in both principle and application.  Since Instructing a Child’s Heart was written, our culture appears to have taken an even more radical turn away from biblical morality. This book explains the powerful impact of the culture around us and its influence on your family.  Formative instruction as outlined in Deuteronomy 6 is essential for helping you […]

Tedd Tripp on Gourmet Authority

Biblical authority is one of the most frequently referenced and yet most frequently misunderstood concepts when speaking about Christian parenting. Here is a twelve minute segment of an interview that I did with Dr. Tedd Tripp about the concept of biblical authority. Tedd offers a clear and compelling case for grasping the importance of biblical authority. Find twelve minutes and listen to this interview and then please leave a comment about your reaction. Understanding authority in the way that Tedd outlines here will have a dramatic impact on your parenting for God’s glory and the good of your children.   [hr]  

Interview With Ginger Plowman Hubbard!

Recently, I was privileged to conduct an interview with Ginger Hubbard about Wise Words for Moms and the new iPhone, iPad app version. In the interview we discuss far more than just the app. Ginger talks practically and powerfully about applying the word of God to your life and the life of your children.    

Interview with Dr. Charles Hodges

I recently had the opportunity to interview Dr. Charles Hodges about his forthcoming book, Good Mood, Bad Mood. The book will be available from Shepherd Press. This is book is an informative and compassionate assessment of the many facets of mood,depression and sadness that tend to define modern life. Dr. Hodges looks at these issues from the heart of a physician and counselor. He wants to help. He wants to find answers. This interview will give you a glimpse of what he found as he considered these things. You can listen to the interview at the link below. The interview was broadcast on True Worldview Cafe which is sponsored by Shepherd Press.