There are troubled hearts in your community, even if it is not Newtown, Connecticut. The unsettling events of last Friday reverberate throughout every place where little children attend school. What appeared to be safe, may not be. The time of the Fall can only disguise it’s ugliness for a season. The enemy of our souls is engaged in non-stop attempts to make us think that this world is good and has all that we really need. He would like us to think heaven and eternity are mythical illusions that do not compare with what this world has to offer. But he can only keep this illusion up for short periods of time. Events like Newtown keep reminding us that […]
Are you safe? Are your children safe? The answer depends upon how you define safe. If safety means protection from the evil and devastation of this world, then the answer is no, you are not safe. If safety means you are always in God’s care and that whatever the circumstance, he is working all things together for his glory and your good, then yes, you are safe. This world is not our home. The ugliness of sin and death mark this world. The enemy wishes to distract us from these realities by fleeting, temporal pleasures. The reality is that we live in a world at war. Sometimes, we are reminded of this war by our own war […]
I asked Tedd Tripp for his thoughts about Newtown: Human beings are instinctively and compulsively worshippers. When we fail to worship God we make an exchange and worship created things rather than the Creator. All problems of living come from that great exchange. The Apostle says it like this: “They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.” Faithless, heartless, ruthless – this describes the evil of Newtown. Mankind’s problems are not solved on the level of behavior, they are solved on the level of worship. This helps answer […]
This e-booklet is a collection of posts about lying from the Shepherd Press Blog. Because of the interest in these posts, they were collected into one document for easy reference. Feel free to share this with others. Click on the link below to view the e-booklet. Lying and Your Children
Children tend to lie in two types of circumstances. We looked at the first reason in the last post. The response of immediately trying to deny responsibility comes naturally to us and to our children. Children are fearful of the consequences of their sin and lie to avoid them. Christ must be shown as the one who can bring peace to a fearful heart. It is vital that this pattern be addressed quickly and thoroughly. If it is not, then the habit lying will take root and become a means to other ends. The next progression in lying is to lie when there is something to be acquired. This type of lie can range from trying to make someone else […]
The big issue during these middle years is character. Your child’s character must be developed in several areas. You want your child to learn dependability, honesty, kindness, consideration, helpfulness, diligence, loyalty, humility, self-control, moral purity, and a host of other character qualities. You can’t be with him all the time. He must know what to do in situations that you cannot anticipate. He needs biblical wisdom. His conscience must develop as the reasoning factor of the soul so that he will know what he ought to do even when you are not there. Tedd Tripp
Alex Chediak, author of the popular book Thriving at College, has some good words to say about Time for the Talk, by Steve Zollos. You can check out Alex’s comments here. For more information and how to purchase Time for the Talk click here. To listen to Steve talk about the value of this book with Paul Dean, click the link below. [hr]
Mother’s Day is typically a time to focus on giving gifts to Mom, in appreciation for all of her work and commitment as a mother. I certainly do not wish to detract from this tradition in any way! However, here is another way to look at Mother’s Day giving.
“To grasp the timeless story of the resurrection is to open one’s heart to a life-change that will last for all of eternity. This is why I am so excited about Why Easter? Using the familiar teaching tools of reading, discussion, singing and mesmerizing, Barbara Reaoch employs every means possible to illuminate Christ’s resurrection to thirsty young hearts and minds. The lessons are deep, true, fascinating, and insightful–I heartily recommend this remarkable book to children’s leaders, parents, and teachers; most of all, I recommend Why Easter? to every child!” – Joni Eareckson Tada, Joni and Friends International Disability Center Learn more here