
107 posts

“Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.”

The prophet Elisha spoke these words regarding a man with normal eyesight. He could see everything there was to see with human eyes. But, obviously, there was something important that his servant was missing. This is a lesson parents must remember. If your children believe that what is important is what they can see with their eyes then they will be severely hampered in life.  How much time do you spend talking with your kids about the importance of what they cannot see? What is unseen is of far more importance than what we can actually see. Do your children know that you believe that? Parent, it is your job to help your children understand that what is unseen is […]

Shepherd Press announces Drive By Parenting

Drive By Parenting provides you with a way to make the most of your opportunities by redeeming part of your daily travel and commute time. Todd Friel and Tedd Tripp have combined their skills to bring you a unique audio resource consisting of 31 parenting lessons. These lessons are each approximately 15 minutes long. What makes them unique is the engaging interview format in which the lessons are presented. Todd Friel is a nationally recognized radio host. In these lessons he interviews Tedd Tripp by asking the kind of questions you would ask if you had the opportunity to talk with Tedd one on one. The subject is Tedd’s best-selling book, Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Todd pushes Tedd to flesh […]

The weapon of everyday talk.

Talk is a given. Everyone talks. It’s a basic function of life. In order to teach your kids you must talk to them. But there are all sorts of talk. For example, formal discussion (usually a monolog, in reality) occurs when you sit your children down and explain some matter that you think is really important. Then there is talk that gives directions, such as, “Take out the garbage,” or “Be quiet,” or “Come here.” However, Deuteronomy 6 speaks about a specific type of talk that God wants you to have with your children—everyday talk. Why do I say everyday talk is so powerful? Because the Bible teaches so. Deuteronomy 6:6–7 says, “These commandments that I give you to- day […]

Thought for the Lord’s Day

God Is God and there is none other!   Which God did you worship today? The One spoken of in Isaiah or the one that you thought would do what you wanted?   “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand,     or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket,     or weighed the mountains on the scales     and the hills in a balance?   Who can fathom the Spirit[d] of the Lord,     or instruct the Lord as his counselor?   Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him,     and who taught him the right way? Who was it that taught him knowledge,     or showed […]

Formative Instruction to meet the challenges of life.

Several recent posts have addressed contemporary issues in our culture. The reasoning behind these posts is not just random thought or one person’s opinion. Rather these post reflect a systematic way of biblical thought. One of the places where this thought is collected for parents is found in the book, Instructing a Child’s Heart, by  Tedd and Margy Tripp. Following is an excerpt from the book: “The life classroom is constant, compelling and comprehensive. The same is true of our homes as well. They are environments where our children are constantly learning. Not only that, but we are always teaching our children. Our every response, whether it is instruction or silence, teaches. Our behavior and our love teach. But in […]

I Corinthians 13 and Parenting

Here are links to each of the posts on I Corinthians 13:4-7 and parenting. Each post covers part of these 4 verses and makes specific application to parenting. How do you love your children? Love is Kind Loving Your Children – It’s not about you The Disgrace of Dishonored Children If I love my children, why do I get angry? Conflicted Love Avoiding conflicted love with your teenager Love keeps no record of wrongs – how does that work? Love does not keep a record of wrongs – an example What love does and does not… Counterfeit Lives Love always…

Tomorrow’s Eve

Today is December 24th, Christmas Eve. Tomorrow is Christmas. Christmas is a day where everything is, for the most part, carefully planned and eagerly awaited. Christmas Eve is the day when we make sure that tomorrow will be a special day. This, in itself, is well and good. But what about December 27th, or March 12th, or July 8th?    Since each day is a trust given to you by God to serve him, no one day is really more important than any other. Every day holds the highest privilege  to which anyone could aspire – to bring honor to the King of Kings. Don’t presume to take tomorrow for granted. Each day is tomorrow’s eve! Live it for the glory of God. 

Christmas May Come, Christ Is Coming

To say that December 25th is a date that is planned for would be an understatement. But, there is no guarantee that either you or the world will survive until next Tuesday. What is certain is that God will make things happen as he has planned. That is the difference between your planning and God’s planning.    The one great hope that we have is that Christ will return and make all things new! Tears will be wiped away. There will be no need for electric power as the radiant glory of God will supply all the power that we will need. All the inequities of life will be wonderfully and finally resolved.  Our broken bodies will be made whole. […]