
271 posts

Consequences: Punishment Or Nourishment?

What kind of correction works best with teenagers? This is a generational quandary! What is the best way to positively address the areas in their lives where they need growth and direction? The time-honored favorite method of correction is consequences! But, the issue is what kind of consequences? If consequences nourish and build up a young person, this is a good thing and qualifies as biblical discipline. In case you are questioning where the idea of nourishment comes from, look with me at Ephesians 6:4: “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” The English words “bring them up” are a translation of the greek word which means […]

Your Children Were Not Designed For Sin

Your children were designed by God for honor and glory. They were designed for a rich, full, satisfying relationship with God. They were designed for purity and significance. They were to designed to serve and not to be served. They were designed to delight in God and to have all of their deepest needs met in him. They were designed to work hand-in-hand with God to spread his dominion over the planet. They were designed to enjoy the gift of sex in the safety of marriage. They were designed for beauty, joy and wonder. But, then, sin crashed the party. Adam’s sin, your sin and your children’s sin combine to fuel the cravings of the flesh. The beautiful design of […]


Kirk Cameron’s latest film, Connect, is about the world your teenagers inhabit. You see your children in the physical world of school, soccer practices, church, meals, homework and the daily rush of life. But, at the same time, you know that your kids are connected to somewhere else, to a world of thoughts and attractions you cannot reach. The reality hits: “my kids are connected, but not to God and not to me!” Connect meets this reality head on. Kirk and his wife Chelsea have 6 teenagers. He knows first-hand the powerful connection of the dark virtual world. So Kirk wanted to know why the virtual, online world has such power over our teenagers. Most importantly Kirk wanted to know […]

A Necklace To Adorn

You care about your children. You want to protect them from harm. So you take the obvious precautions: you use car seats, you dress them in warm clothing, you install a security system, you take them to the doctor, you do everything possible to keep them physically safe. The same care must be given to protect their hearts. You want to protect them from the deception of the world, the flesh, and the devil. However, it is only God’s word that can accomplish this! Solomon says as much when he says: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7 It is the fear of the Lord that will keep your […]

Joy and the Fear of the Lord

The Psalms are built on one great foundational truth: God rules over the earth. Blessed or joyful is the man who turns away from the world and delights in the law of God. The Psalms also teach that the appropriate fear of God must always come first. The fear of the Lord brings wisdom and joy. Wisdom and joy are two good things that you want for your children! Psalms 111 & 112 state the blessings of the fear of the Lord as leading to wisdom, joy, and delight in obeying God. When God is recognized for who he is then life is at last understandable. Notice how Psalm 111 ends and Psalm 112 begins: The fear of the Lord is […]

Where Is God When Life Is Hard?

Life is hard. Life brings pain. Moments of happiness and joy fade quickly when darkness comes. When life is hard God calls out to his people, his voice remains strong and sure. It is in this setting that David writes Psalm 27. David has known joy and victory. But he has also known the despair of failure and agony. Some of this has come from the betrayal and manipulation of those closest to him. Some has been self-inflicted. David hears the call to doubt God. He hears the taunts of his oppressors. He hears that he is mocked and his God is mocked. He is tempted to believe that God is unfair. There is a taunt — “God, are you […]

A Moment In Time

In 1933 some of the leading educators and thinkers of the day penned and signed the Humanist Manifesto. Among the signers was John Dewey, arguably the most influential voice in modern American education. Two full generations have come and gone, but the core beliefs of this document continue to shape American values, culture, and educational philosophy. The Manifesto found in Sartre’s version of existentialism a rich soil in which to grow and propagate its anti-Christian agenda. The Manifesto sought to strip biblical influence from western culture. it has largely succeeded in its mission. People seem to think that their ideas and values are law unto themselves. The question is will the church embrace truly biblical thought so it can once […]

Winning Or Loving

When you have an argument you have a choice: you can win or you can love. The word “love” in this phrase seems awkward and out of place, doesn’t it? The conventional wording is you can win or you can lose. But as with other things in the Christian life, God’s ways are radically different than our own. The idea that an argument or discussion is about winning or losing is flawed at its core. God has called us to honor him with love and not be focused on winning or losing arguments. What a novel thought! Instead of winning arguments the Holy Spirit calls you to love, that is to be patient, not be rude or self-seeking, not to […]

The Pursuit of Wisdom

Proverbs commends the excellence of wisdom. This is no secret!  But familiarity too often breeds neglect—if not contempt. It is helpful to stop for a moment to consider what the pursuit of wisdom looks like today. To set the stage, here are some basics about wisdom: No one is born wise. Therefore, the first prerequisite for being wise is to come to a saving relationship with Christ. If one is to be wise, it must come from a diligent and relentless pursuit of wisdom. The pursuit of wisdom is not natural or easy. Biblical wisdom is unlike anything that can be achieved by human effort. Your children will be dominated by foolishness unless they desire and pursue wisdom above all […]

The Disconnect Between School and the Gospel

The gospel is about grace; school is about performance. The gospel is about receiving compassion; school is about earning grades. The gospel is about resting in the power of Christ in failure; school is about trying to avoid the shame of failure. The gospel is about acceptance in Christ regardless of performance; school is about gaining acceptance because of performance. Skilled and loving teachers and parents will work hard to bridge the gap illustrated by these comparisons. However, it is important to grasp that no matter how sincere one’s efforts may be, children can easily think that performance is more important than the gospel. There is a biblical balance to be deployed when considering the tension between the gospel and […]